What’s it like to learn with AWC?
Each year, thousands of students just like you achieve their writing goals through our courses and world-class presenters. Here they share how their new-found skills and confidence enriched their life.
Because I struggle with writer's block and narrative structure, this course helped me understand how much skill building I need in writing. This inspired me to keep going with my writing journey.
I enjoyed understanding the story template of the hero's journey, the characters, and telling versus showing examples which helped me to continue on the path to be a professional writer.
I learnt important tools from the modules, such as structure and rising tension, which helped me understand what I need to do to write my book in a creative way, and also the confidence to continue with my book.
The writing course was important to do, giving you skills and knowledge relating to creative writing, that I believe is needed before writing a book.
Angela was very gracious in her comments and I do feel encouraged.
The whole course was such an eye opener. I simply had no idea as to the extent of writing being a 'craft'. I believe it is something I do wish to pursue. I am finding it all so interesting and I'm perhaps now a little obsessed. I am very keen to see my own 'craft', style and content develop and improve. Working at one's own pace and timeframe online is ideal; whilst at the same time having the deadline of Sunday night's submission.
I thought I might enjoy writing. Now I have a burning desire to learn to write. No idea what yet ... hopefully that will come.
Creative Writing Stage 1 was precisely what I was looking for. Its online structure is logical and easy to follow. The content is jam packed, yet nurturing in its delivery and loaded with encouragement for the novice. Thank you. An excellent resource and support system.
Thought it might be very basic with not much direction but I was wrong - good to get leads and references from Michelle.
The presenter spoke plain English, on the slow side, so I could keep up and just when I was getting overwhelmed she explained things to help.
It has helped me to understand and keep focused on the next step even though I'm not up to it yet.
I have done many courses with AWC and found them all to be very helpful, well targeted and it is great I can revisit them within 12 months.
Angela is the best mentor, extremely humble and professional. Absolutely loved this course :)
I became more creative with my ideas.
I look forward to doing more courses at the Australian Writers' Centre.
I really enjoyed the class and it actually helped me in my writing process so much. Now I'm a lot more confident about what my next steps should be.
I adore Pamela! She was a great teacher. She was generous in sharing all her knowledge and tricks and tips. Her feedback always pointed out issues I didn't think about and also gave me a lot of confidence with what I have done so far. Her knowledge and experience in writing fantasy elevated the course so much!
I enjoyed doing the homework. All tasks were really creative and enjoyable and it was so good to get feedback from Pamela and the rest of the class.
It confirmed that I am on the right track with my novel idea and set me on a journey where the next step is just to write, write write. The hardest but most fun part!
Thank you so much Pamela, it was so much fun. I will definitely miss having this class on Mondays.
I am an English teacher and have always wanted to write, but have never had the opportunity to learn any specific writing skills I could use beyond the classroom. This seemed like a great way to apply my love of writing with something practical and 'bite-sized' that I could fit around my job.
I enjoyed Bernadette's videos and teaching style. The content was useful, practical and well sequenced, and I really enjoyed the process of writing the assignments. The content in the PowerPoints was interesting and relevant. Advice was practical and founded on experience. Bernadette is a great communicator, and I enjoyed her style of teaching.
It reminded me of how much I love to craft with words. It showed me that I can do this. Now I just need to work out how to fit copywriting in around a full-time job and slowly build it up whilst reducing my other work hours. A fine balancing act. I hope one day I will be able to look back and say it impacted my life in a 'profound way'.
I've also really been enjoying the 'So you want to be a copywriter' podcasts. Finding these complement the course nicely. And they're inspirational too.
I wanted to learn how to sharpen my skills in writing for children from professionals. I had heard great things from acquaintances about this course and the course outline excited me.
The audios were excellent - detailed and engaging. I learnt how important your commitment to the writing process is. Practice really does make perfect!
It was a very practical way to learn tips and tricks from real professionals, plus a great way to connect with other writers.
This course felt very generous in its divulging of knowledge in such a short time frame. I was quite drawn to the presenter's real-life experiences and positivity. I also love the resources we were provided, particularly the check list template.
I now have the confidence that I actually have all the skills to make a success of real estate copywriting and to just take a chance and be brave. I am going to be adding this niche to my current skills, so I'm really grateful for that.
The Australian Writers' Centre provides insightful, generous, and down-to-earth courses that give you the confidence to pursue a new form of writing or career direction. I always feel that I get more than my money's worth, and the resources are extremely helpful and easy to use.
Tim's presentation style was excellent and engaging. I enjoyed learning a variety of techniques as to how to make kids lit funnier! It encouraged me to keep on trying in writing for kids by injecting more humour.
You don't need to be funny to write a funny book. You need to IDENTIFY what kids will find funny.
Give it a go! If you are interested in writing for children, whatever tone or length, humour plays a very important role.
The course was amazing. I've found my love for writing again and have been able to start writing the story that I've been mulling over for some time.
Angela was an incredible tutor. She brought a wealth of information to each class, and her feedback was invaluable. The feedback she provided allowed me to work through the issues I was having with my writing, and encouraged me to rethink things I was unknowingly over-attached to. She was open to any and all questions about the writing process and approaching certain elements of storytelling. I also found that seeing the planning she had done for her own stories greatly helped me to conceptualise and plan my own. Thank you so much Angela!!!!!!
We had a small class, and it was so lovely seeing the same faces each session. I've made friends with one of the other attendees and formed our own little writing partnership.
I've been able to break out of my slump and have since written 30k for my first novel-length story. It was the advice regarding first drafts that really helped me push though; as a perfectionist, I had been labouring over getting everything down perfectly the first time, when really I should have been just getting something down and cleaning up on further drafts.
It is a wonderful way to get you through any challenges you may be having. Finding a community of people in the same position as you is a great way to form connections and become inspired.
Thank you for providing these courses. Writing can be very intimidating and stressful, but the course made me feel a lot more confident and calm, and being able to receive even minor feedback on my writing was invaluable and reassuring. This doesn't feel like something out of reach anymore!
I think Pamela is exceptional. Her ability to understand and recall each individual's story and provide meaningful and personalised tips, strategies and feedback is very impressive.
The world-building went to a level I hadn't considered or realised was necessary prior to the course. I have some new perspectives and additional things to consider when plotting and structuring my stories.
I was feeling overwhelmed about what genre and writing situation I wanted to pursue, and the title of the course struck a chord within me.
I know where to begin my writing journey now and was able to rule out certain areas that I know would not be in my best interest. I found it highly useful in establishing who I am as a writer - thank you!
The AWC is the best place to find direction for your writing goals and skills.
I had heard about Scrivener and tried using it myself but felt overwhelmed.
Natasha was absolutely brilliant. I feel empowered and know that understanding Scrivener will positively impact my writing process. Natasha's information and instructions were clear and thorough. A great overall grounding.
I have already imported an 11,000+ word document which I had felt a bit lost in. I have divided it into scenes and feel able and excited to move forward with my writing.
The course was extremely good value - actually the knowledge imparted is invaluable to my confidence as a writer.
I was interested in learning more about how to write about crime realistically and thoroughly.
The course is so well set out! I enjoyed delving into the details of what research was needed for each step of the crime from beginning to end.
I have a much better idea of how much research is needed to make for a good novel, and where to start to find out what I need to know.
Whatever you want to write about, there is a course for you at the AWC.
I'm interested in writing a story set in the 1970s, which just falls into the category of historical fiction so I was looking for some advice, particularly around research and how to use fact to inform and help shape fiction.
I enjoyed the details about sources of information and how to make the most of these. The character work sheets. I liked having access to the course for a year which meant that I could listen to some aspects more than once as I developed my ideas.
Information is presented with a good mix of fun and serious content. The courses are a great launch pad for learning about all kinds of writing.
I like Valerie's no-nonsense approach and down to earth advice as well as hearing from other authors who had completed courses and gone on to be published.
Just do it! Enrol today and get started on changing your career path.
I have been working on a couple of manuscripts for children's novels for a long period of time now. One I have self-published and now taken off the market with the goal to get it properly published. I have done a few courses with the AWC, all of which have added to my skill set. I wanted to make sure I was on the right track and discover more about what it takes to create a polished manuscript both publishers and agents would like and readers of this age will love. I also wanted to repolish my writing skills as I had a bit of an absence from writing.
I was nervous about studying a writing course again as I feared I would be rehashing previous content I had learned. However, I found that every module was completely different, and valuable information, making reference to previous learning.
I found Suzanne extremely helpful and thorough with her guidance throughout the course. I really enjoyed the feedback given, not just for my assignments but for all the assignments. Reading other students' works and then connecting the feedback given helped to strengthen my knowledge and understanding of the course content and enhance my writing. The feedback I was given helped confirm where my strengths were in my style but also the areas of improvement I need to further strengthen my overall work.
I found myself engaged with all modules of the unit. The character development particularly impacted me. Although I had experienced some of this before, seeing the importance of it in middle-grade novels has changed my mindset and focus on my writing.
AWC courses always teach you something new and broaden your understanding of how much work you must put into a manuscript and researching publishers, competitions, building a pitch etc to give you the best chance of being successful in becoming published.
This course is a goldmine of information - with links supplied, organisations suggested, accredited tutor feedback and classmate participation. I also appreciate the frequent email contact and how the course content is presented in an easy-to-understand manner. Best thing I've ever done.
The tutor was invaluable. Professional and knowledgeable, Cathie could pinpoint exactly where change was necessary. Her feedback facilitated a progression in my writing skills and provided the direction I needed to not only learn but continue to hone the art of writing a children's picture book.
The course is empowering. It has directed my writing and pushed my confidence - I KNOW I am a children's book author now, thanks to you guys.
THANK YOU! This course has given me a solid foundation and understanding, not only of the creative side to writing children's picture books but to the industry as a whole. It has prompted me to dive in at the deep end and given directions on how to swim. Now I'm going to continue, coughing and spluttering, with the MasterClass! Hooray!
If you're looking for a professional organisation with comprehensive course material, caring facilitators, and accredited, experienced tutors, then AWC will exceed your expectations. Do it, do it, do it.
I didn't have well-formed expectations of the course, but when it was over I was amazed at how much I'd learned.
Vivienne's feedback was very prompt and always relevant and supportive. An excellent tutor.
I enjoyed interviewing and writing a profile about one of the fellow students; not an easy task but a very rewarding assignment. More generally I enjoyed learning the industry insights and skills that the course gave.
I've also been thankful for the time, thought and organisation that has been put into presenting the course content, providing feedback and having an online platform that runs so smoothly. Better than any other online experience I've been in contact with.
I'm truly amazed at the perspective that 5 weeks has bestowed. I've gained understanding, confidence (of the processes at least), a level of professionalism, a fabulous and inspiring sense of possibility.
The course is great. It's informative, challenging but accessible and has enormously practical outcomes.
Angela was a great tutor and offered very insightful and constructive feedback. Really pleased with her tuition throughout the course.
The audio guidance together with the handout materials worked really well and allowed the flexibility to learn whenever and wherever it suited best during the week(s).
Reinvigorated the spark to press on with my first draft novel. It has provided invaluable insight into aspects of writing that I otherwise did not have at the front of my mind.
The AWC provides succinct and practical courses on writing, with strategies and techniques that you can implement immediately. Highly recommended.