What’s it like to learn with AWC?
Each year, thousands of students just like you achieve their writing goals through our courses and world-class presenters. Here they share how their new-found skills and confidence enriched their life.
I am interested in writing a crime novel. I have finished a few other courses with AWC, so knew this was the best place to start.
I found Candice's approach very inspiring. I hung on her every word.
When Candice said, "Not all dead bodies look the same or decompose the same" (or something similar and along the same lines as that). I had never really thought about that and it was an 'aha' moment for me for sure!
I have and always will recommend the Australian Writers' Centre. I have invaluable knowledge and confidence because of AWC.
Amazing getting feedback from an author who is successful and understands where we are all at.
I enjoyed the interaction with other students, communicating with the tutor any questions, and the content was easy to follow and understand.
Makes me realise I can achieve getting my novel published and to ignore the doubters now.
Thank you for a great course.
I knew I needed to complete this course to get a better understanding of SEO Copywriting and how it all fits into the line of work I'm currently doing.
Bernadette, you are amazing! The way you present your course is a huge credit to you. Your attention to detail made it so easy to understand and take on your feedback.
I enjoyed everything! From the audio, outline and feedback. Especially bonus module 6 with the quoting guides to potential customers.
You need to do this course! It's so beneficial if you'd like to understand how to write SEO Copy.
I had an idea running around in my head for a story but procrastinated so much that I never started writing. I had completed a course previously with AWC and receive emails because of this. I saw an email for Creative Writing Stage 1 and it was starting the following day. I had a feeling like I wanted to make a change in my life, so I enrolled and I am so glad I did.
I enrolled with no expectation of what I would learn during this course but I have learnt so many tips to get started writing my novel, such as exploring the scene using all the senses and really understanding all your characters inside and out so you know exactly how they would act and react within the scene.
Petronella is lovely. She is so kind and giving in her feedback. Even when she is giving a critique it is done so kindly. She also took the time to answer questions in the course chat.
I enjoyed that each week I was pushed a little further to think more about the character, the scene, how to write in a way that the reader can feel like they are part of the story but incorporating all the senses.
I now have the confidence to keep writing, even when it gets hard.
Definitely have a go. It is worth the money and you will learn a lot of little tricks and tips, and have fun along the way.
I was attracted to this course as it was such a specialised area within the broad children's book writing world. Many writing courses focus on picture books or young adult books and skip over this age and it was for this reason that I wanted to learn more about it.
It has made me see how important it is to engage readers at this age and nurture their love of reading. I am now writing stories for my 6- and 7-year-old and the lessons I have learned from this course are influencing the stories I create.
The Australian Writers' Centre has a wealth of knowledge about the world of writing and the Centre is generous about sharing this knowledge with others.
Angela was a terrific tutor: she was honest with her feedback but also encouraging. She gave me some excellent ideas for problems in my story.
I enjoyed chatting with everyone about their books, helping them by giving good feedback, receiving the feedback from others.
Without it, I don't know if I would have finished my novel!
Write Your Novel really is what it says it is - if you do this course and complete the weekly tasks you'll end up writing your novel! It may just be a first draft but that's still an incredible achievement! The feedback given from the tutor and from classmates is absolute gold and although it is a lot of work reading other people's writing it adds immensely to your understanding of what makes for good writing.
Thanks. I really enjoyed it.
This course has helped me with my historical research and being mindful of the legal aspect.
Just start with one course, as it will lead you to another and then more courses; all are enjoyable.
The outcomes for the course attracted me. You need to submit a draft at the end of the course. It makes you accountable. You know what you're signing up for.
I was concerned I wouldn't finish. I wasn't sure I would be able to meet the deadlines for submissions and feedback but I did it! I didn't let either myself or others down.
The tutor provided very good feedback - highlighting both areas that needed to be worked on, and areas that were working well. She had a good understanding of each of our novels - impressive!
I enjoyed the workshopping aspects - giving and receiving feedback. It's easier to pick up issues/errors in others' work and then notice you are having the same issues or making the same mistakes.
It has given me a lot more confidence and self-belief. A lot of positive reinforcement and encouragement. But also feedback on what's working and what's not.
If you're serious about your writing, then don't hesitate. Do a course. You learn to step up your game. There's no hiding. It's a supportive and encouraging learning environment. But you do learn what works and what doesn't. You will soon be able to see how you measure up, and areas you need to improve in. And you meet other great likeminded people.
I've always been a keen reader and had stories floating around in my head for years but the confidence to write them down? No way. This is the step I've taken to make something happen.
The only concern I had was the cost but after taking the course I can 100% say it was worth twice what I paid.
Petronella McGovern is an amazing tutor. She actively engaged in the class chat and provided really useful feedback from assignments.
I wrote my last assignment on 25 October and it was 500 words. By 9pm on the 26th it was over 3000. It's now the 29th and we are quickly approaching 5000.
If you had ever considered writing but didn't know where to start, this is where you start. AWC is the perfect place to start your journey.
I started this course months ago and only managed to get back to it when my time was almost up. Pressure-prompted me. So glad I did. Blew my mind!
The course is crammed with insights, recommendations and supporting material. Hard to single one thing out that I most enjoyed but I'll say it was the level of detail about what's required to write in this genre. I honestly had no clue of the complexity - until now.

I've hit a bad patch of too-much-life induced writer's block. I've lost track of my story and, as I've left it firmly in the second act, thinking a bit more about structure and plotting is just what I need to help me untangle the threads and get through this troublesome second act.
Pamela is such a great speaker. She was the highlight for sure.
It made me think about the event that is the midpoint of my story and what needs to shift in the story to balance it out a bit better.
The Australian Writers' Centre is not just courses. It's a supportive community full of advice, knowledge and connection. If you're writing all alone and doubting yourself, it might be just the thing you need.
I was able to improve my understanding and application of POV, character development and storytelling techniques. The workshopping was invaluable.
The tutor was very professional, encouraging while still picking up on areas to focus on. I enjoyed reading and workshopping the submissions by fellow students.
I feel so much more confident in my ability to achieve my lifelong ambition of completing a novel. I understand where and why I have given up before and felt it was beyond my ability. It is one thing to be able to write well, it is quite another to be able to tell a story well.
I've loved the interviews (and Facebook posts) with the various authors--hearing about their techniques, how they achieved their goals, and making me realise some of the things I feel are completely normal (for a writer!) I hope one day I am among them.
Thank you for keeping my dream alive!
Regardless of how well you think you can write or tell a story, the AWC will help you do both better.
Mark was lovely and very patient. He has an amazing range of experience and it was good to have feedback that you're hitting the mark. Definitely helps to build confidence.
I really enjoyed the written assignments, but the most valuable thing was gaining a sense that what I want to do is actually achievable.
If self-doubt creeps in, I am no longer crippled by it. I can move beyond it into a growth mindset - feel the fear and push through. Particularly liked Bernadette's reassurances that if you just say it, no one will question you and doing small things to get started. I no longer feel I need all the "boxes ticked" = analysis paralysis!
Copywriting Essentials was technique rich and highly practical - so much info packed into every module - great way to build confidence and self-belief!
Bernadette is fantastic as always - she has a wealth of knowledge and is brilliant at her craft. Her feedback is extremely helpful.
I feel like I am more skilled as a writer. SEO doesn't have to be hard... it can be pretty fun! Once you wrap your head around it!
Do it! Do not hesitate. You will learn so much about yourself as well as new skills. The tutors are brilliant, and you will become addicted to learning more and more :)
The course was extremely helpful with my current novel-in-progress as it gave me a lot of pointers for writing about murder. In particular, it made me more rigorous about research and thinking deeply about the extent to which the murderer pre-meditated his crimes.

Pamela is a straight talker and gives you the info you need in a very easy to digest way. Her passion shines through.
I've always loved picture books and have dreamt of writing and illustrating my own. I was attracted to AWC because the courses were created and tutored by people with strong and relevant experience.
I wasn't sure I'd find the time and I also lacked confidence in creative writing. My worries were unfounded though; I found time in the evenings and weekends and learned so much along the way.
There is so much information shared and I'm thrilled I can go back and replay the lessons and read the notes to keep improving.
Suzanne provided great constructive feedback that really helped me throughout the course. She explained things from a publisher's perspective and gave great examples of ways to improve. She was always encouraging and kind in her delivery.
Listening to the feedback each week was a high point. I learned so much from this. I also enjoyed sharing the journey with the other students and learning from them too.
Not only has it fed a passion I've had for a long time to write stories, but it has given me the determination to learn more, starting with the Masterclass and then a course in illustration. It has also helped me in my day-to-day work in graphic design. Whether I become a published author or not, I'll enjoy trying!
I was pleased with the level of practical tips about actually getting published. I learnt a lot about how different publications operate and pay, and even just the basic structure of a feature article and how to pitch was so useful.
I enjoyed doing assignments and being able to read classmates' submissions as well. It was great to learn from their feedback too.
I feel more informed and prepared when it comes to thinking seriously about giving freelance writing a shot.
I had completed Creative Writing Stage 1 and I knew I needed more direction in piecing together the novel that had been floating about in my mind. Novel Writing Essentials was the logical next step.
I was a little nervous about what would be expected during the course and how my novice words would be received but I was pleasantly surprised by how much this course has encouraged me to keep writing.
Angela was great. Incredibly knowledgeable and generous with her feedback and the resources she provided.
I loved learning about plotting and structure and finally putting my words out there and not being laughed out of the room - ha! I also loved reading other students' stories - so much creativity.
It's given me the tools to finally plot and structure the novel I had been thinking about for years. I could finally see what it could potentially look like from start to finish. The feedback I received has also encouraged me to keep writing and has shown me that I have a story that could actually work.
One hundred percent, do the course! AWC is fantastic. They make writing a novel actually seem possible and give you all the tools to make it happen.
Loved it. Thank you :)
I highly recommend the Freelance Writing Masterclass Program for anyone that wants industry specific learning. This has been the most helpful course I have come across and the masterclass was what helped me get published with absolutely no prior experience at all.
Everything is broken down so well and explained so well. There is so much help and support available - through the Facebook page, the 'Ask me anything' Zoom sessions and the intense but incredible, monthly 'Feedback Fiesta'. Valerie is really detailed and really knows what she is talking about. She absolutely whooped my butt and made me sweat but it was all so worth it. The results were there.
Previously I tried going to university and college for writing courses but none of it was helpful in preparing me for the read world of publications, editors and article writing. This is hands down the best thing any hopeful and up-and-coming freelance writer could do.