Claudia Alvear 3 years ago

Being able to read other people's works and feedback was amazing. I never expected a "classroom" environment in the comfort of my own living room.

The tutor was fantastic! Nicole was very generous with her comments and I felt she read every word we wrote. It was great to get such detailed feedback. And all the examples she provided in our lessons were so valuable.

AWC provides you with the tools to write whatever you want to write. Their range of courses is amazing and the flexibility of doing it online (whenever and wherever you want) is a necessity in this day and age, when we are so time poor.

Thank you!

Claire Whitelaw 3 years ago

Was looking for a course less formal than uni. Weekly feedback was very appealing. The lack of a pass/fail system very appealing also.

I had little to no expectations as I have not studied in years. Course was run very well and extremely informative with the tutor's feedback and handouts etc. It felt relaxing as well as challenging due to the open format and presentation.

I am definitely encouraged to continue studying writing for now. I have always enjoyed it but felt I do not construct stories well. I feel I might develop better plot and structure with further course study.

It's very accessible and easy to use. I have had no difficulties using the site or course material.

Steve Cumper 3 years ago

Suzanne was very knowledgeable, professional and encouraging. I enjoyed the opportunity to have my work read and critiqued.

The lessons and handouts really filled in many blanks and gave me more of an understanding on how to plan and work on stages of my writing.

It's a fantastic learning platform and resource for writers in which to subscribe to. I'll be enrolling in more courses!

Angus Trigg 3 years ago

Extremely clearly designed course, interesting, and highly practical. Suzanne's feedback was great, really helpful and positive. Also pointed out where we could improve. I am writing a little every day and am determined to take this to fruition.

THANK YOU - I really enjoyed this course and am really hopeful it is the start of a great journey.

Sonja Waters 3 years ago

I found the course gave me so much information about writing an actual novel rather than crafting just a few prices of writing. I enjoyed actually doing the writing and having completed the assignments.

Suzanne is lovely, very insightful and not afraid to point out the bad bits as well as the good bits :)

All my fears were discussed by Valerie, which tells me everyone has the same fears and that is OK.

I now believe I can write a book. Above all it takes dedication and commitment to the process.

Andrea Innocent 3 years ago

I have been lacking direction with my writing and in desperate need for professional feedback. I saw a post on Instagram and looked at the AWC website and found lots of valuable information. I often find it difficult to spend money on myself professionally (I am a freelance illustrator) but I always find that when I do it's really worth it. It generates a forward momentum that can't be powered alone.

Feedback was wonderful. It was so important to be given a useful critique and each iteration allowed me to improve my work draft by draft.

I have begun!! The page is no longer blank and I am inking my first graphic novel for the first time in the three years of thinking about it.

If you are wondering whether it's worth it stop wondering and just give it a go.

Thank you for providing such a useful resource and wonderful tutors. I am determined to get something published like never before.

Alice Hill 3 years ago

Aside from my own growth as a writer (which is great - I feel much more confident), I loved seeing the way others in the course developed their craft and honed their ideas across the five weeks! Inspiring. Gave me lots of insight into how to improve my own work as well.

The course helped me to recognise that writing is truly a lifelong passion of mine. Completing the tasks and receiving feedback has fostered my confidence and sparked creativity for future projects. I am very glad I did this course.

Good value, well-balanced, detailed... do it!

Isabella La Rocca 3 years ago

I thought Pamela Cook was great - her feedback was spot on, thoughtful, insightful, encouraging and constructive at all times

Working on a submittable piece every week was great - kept the creative mind ticking over and receiving feedback was invaluable.

I feel it has made me more committed to writing every day and committed to planning, plotting and writing a novel. Some of the positive feedback from Pamela gave me inner confidence and confirmed my own commitment to the creative process.

AWC has great short courses that are easily accessible and affordable. Great format to the course, the material/information is of a high quality and delivered by experienced authors. It gives you the scope to explore your own creativity in a creative space with other budding writers. Thank you AWC!

I just feel sad that it's over - but now I can choose another short course and keep up the momentum.

Sarah Garbett 3 years ago

Very helpful and encouraging. I found it really eye opening.

I enjoyed seeing everyone's different writing style and seeing and learning about all the work that goes into creative writing works.

You should try out this creative writing course. It's very helpful and eye opening. It's fun and you get to learn and talk to an array of different people and encouraging tutors.

I had so much fun and cannot wait to start another course with the Australian Writers' Centre.

Katherine Tu 3 years ago

Angela was great - was encouraging as I am a new writer, and gave good, timely feedback.

I enjoyed the community that was built online, the mixture of resources, and the encouragement provided to give it a go.

I feel inspired to write more, and also to learn more about how it's done. Authors don't just pick up a pen and write a great story - everyone can do it but you have to work at it.

Great environment, and love how you fostered an online community.

Michael Monaghan 3 years ago

The course was great fun and has challenged the way I think about writing. It covered a lot of ground and yet made the thing approachable and, more importantly, POSSIBLE!

The course is based in solid practical advice from people skilled in the craft. The exercises are meaningful and useful. And its bloody good fun!

Thank you.

Fiona Bolinger 3 years ago

I've always loved creative writing and wanted to start taking it seriously. The course was so much fun and was lots of help!

Pamela was very friendly and gave great feedback that I'm using to improve my writing as a whole.

The best part had to be the characterisation section where we went through the PDF worksheet for our characters and really worked on fleshing them out - I learned a lot from there.

It has helped me to structure my writing better and give life to my words on the page. I have been taught how to flesh out ideas and build them into narration, dialogue and more. The course has also inspired me to write more often and now I can clearly see the positive difference it is making in the quality of writing I produce.

I would say it's a great tool to use for improving your writing and also a great and friendly community of writers and courses of all types.

Thanks for the great experience!

Deanna Wong 3 years ago

On New Year’s Day, I was wasting time on Twitter when I came across a tweet from AWC that offered a discounted price on the Reinvent Yourself course. I decided to give it a try, and absolutely loved it. So, I read up on the courses offered by the AWC, and enrolled in Creative Writing Stage 1.

The course material was a revelation, and our tutor was fabulous. I was so impressed. Angela was excellent. She is clearly an accomplished author, and her feedback was always insightful and helpful.

I felt accepted, and not in the least intimidated. And the lectures were fun!

I am so motivated to keep writing. This is such an alien feeling to me as by the time I left my last job, I used to joke to colleagues that I hated writing, and that I never wanted to do it again. The course has reminded me how fulfilling, and how much fun, writing can be!

Reading Handout 1.1. opened my eyes to the amazing potential there is as a creative writer. It sounds silly, but I realised that no one else dictates the edges of the people and worlds I create - just me. There is so much freedom in that.

If you want to experience the freedom creative writing offers you, but haven't got a clear idea about where to start or how to go about it, I strongly recommend you enrol in one of the AWC courses. You'll be supported and encouraged at every stage, and you will be provided with some excellent materials.

I just wanted to say thank you. It has been a real joy to access a new week's worth of materials every Monday.

Nicole Somerville 3 years ago

I wanted to start writing again but knew I needed some help and structure. It's been great fun; a bit nerve racking but so worth it.

The tutor was pretty straight talking, which I appreciated. There was no point in mincing words. I learnt loads from her and feel in a much better position to continue the book I have been trying to write for years.

I feel more confident but I also realise I still have loads to learn, but the modules have given me enough to go on with the writing I want to do. My husband said I seem happier.

If you think you want to start writing, this intro course will help you try it out through dipping your toes into core concepts.

Jenny Porter 3 years ago

I'm looking to develop my writing skills. I've only ever done reflective journaling and I don't know any of the basics of creative writing.

I think the tutor provided me with very useful feedback, even when I cringed extra hard. But I guess that's what you need when you're wanting to develop a skill - someone to show you the way and ask you to think about how to do things better.

I enjoyed the lessons - very informative and easy to listen to.

I've realised how much I need to really learn, but I'm excited to review what I've learned with this course and am keen to take a few others.

Caitlin Prentice 3 years ago

I wanted to learn the basics of creative writing but I needed a course I could do in my own time from home. This course was perfect for that. It was very informative and straight to the point. The information recordings were great and I really learnt a lot in this five weeks.

This course has helped improve my writing immensely in such a short time. It has also given me the confidence to continue writing and doubt myself a little less. This course also helped me to decide on one of my book ideas and commit to just finishing it!

I would highly recommend the AWC to anyone who wants to improve on their writing skills. Whether you want to become a published author or just write for your own pleasure you will learn invaluable lessons through these courses.

Thank you for creating a straightforward, easy to understand course. I really thoroughly enjoyed it and I will certainly be signing up for more in the near future.

Luan Atkinson 3 years ago

The format of audio feedback was great. It makes it feel so much more personal than reading written comments. I also learnt a lot from listening to the feedback for other students' writing (and reading their writing).

Pamela gives really practical feedback that allows the students to improve. I felt I made huge strides in the course and could also see my fellow students doing the same. Pamela also has a lovely encouraging style that makes you keep going and trying.

It challenged me to get out of my comfort zone and to try new things.

I just want to keep writing and learning more. Thank you!

It's great fun, you'll learn a lot and you'll improve dramatically.

Amelia Smith 3 years ago

I wanted to give writing fiction a go, I hadn't done any fiction writing since being in school but always found it fun so thought I'd give it a try.

I was nervous before starting as I had never done anything like this before and I wasn't sure how it would work. Also having to post in front of other people was very nerve-racking, as you are vulnerable to other people seeing your work (as opposed to just the tutor alone). I quickly got past this however and found that it was great to see other people's work and get feedback. You learn from others as well as your own work from the tutor's feedback.

The feedback provided is useful and although it can be tough taking on board constructive criticism, I've found that Pamela explains the reasons why and it does make sense. I'm trying to look at things more objectively and hearing the positive feedback is also really encouraging and exciting! It makes you want to write more.

I enjoyed getting to follow the creative flow and see where the story goes! I feel like in school, storytelling is a small part of learning English but that's the part I most enjoyed, so to be able to refresh that again as an adult has been really exciting.

This course has made me rethink writing and what it means. I didn't realise there was so much to it, there's so much detail and whilst that scares me a little, I feel like this is a valid field to work in. The course has inspired me to keep on writing and that it is OK to write fiction and follow your imagination (I was told off in school for daydreaming too much). That is exciting!

I think for me, it was just learning throughout this course that it is OK and acceptable to be able to write fiction, to make stuff up, to go with it and this is actually 'a thing' you can do!

It has been a great learning experience. I have enjoyed letting my imagination flow and getting words onto paper. It's been great exploring writing fiction and seeing the characters and scenes come alive.

Kate Leahy 3 years ago

I wanted to get a jumpstart in understanding writing fiction in the hopes of trying my hand at writing a novel.

I enjoyed thinking up fictional scenes and characters and actually sitting down to write about them. I didn't know if I could do it!

By explaining the tools that make up great stories--setting, scenes, characters, dialog--the course gave me the confidence to write fiction. Now I don't want to stop.

It's a practical, honest way to encourage you to write and it's broken down into chunks that make it feel completely doable.

Paul Mihtatidis 3 years ago

Suzanne was excellent. Her feedback was very pertinent and constructive.

I enjoyed the recorded sessions, the feedback from the tutor and the variety of the course content. It has given me a better understanding of the writing process from all aspects.

As someone totally new to this, I found all five modules invaluable.

The AWC is a very credible organisation with high quality courses for all levels and interests.


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