Vicki Pinar 2 years ago

It looked like a true beginner course for a true beginner like me! It seemed achievable at only 5 weeks long and requiring only a couple of hours each week. I thought what it covered looked very practical as well.

Stephen was very helpful. I found his feedback useful and his advice practical - not just 'this could be improved' but rather 'perhaps you could try this to see if you think it improves it'. I liked that. His manner and style were very low key which is perfect for a tender over-sensitive beginner writer like me!

I enjoyed having my work read and critiqued by so many different people. It was really encouraging. Also great to be able to read so many other beginner writers' work. It is far less daunting than reading published works! I feel more confident than I did at the beginning of the course. The practical nature of the course is also great. I actually feel for the first time that I may be able to do this!

I think my writing is already noticeably better. I feel more confident about my work which makes me feel more confident generally.

Elizabeth Bloomfield 2 years ago

I was really nervous at first but the course helped me increase my self-confidence and belief in my writing. The tutor was excellent; also kind, which I needed.

I didn't know I had any ability to write creatively so that's been huge! Also it has encouraged me to be much more diverse and explore more avenues in writing. Thanks and please keep doing what you're doing!

Just try it, you never know what you'll find you're capable of.

Pauline McLay 2 years ago

Pamela was so thorough, covering all aspects of each assignment. She is supportive and provided constructive and positive feedback for everyone.

It has given me the confidence to keep going with an idea I have had and prompted me to enrol in the Novel Writing Essentials course.

Ghina Makari Cane 2 years ago

This course has been so eye opening, practical, and informative. It's also been inspiring. I had slumped because I was missing the tools to make my shovelled sand into a sandcastle. While I still feel like I have a long way to go in developing my writing skills, I already feel like a better writer just because I now know what I need to do to improve. I also feel like my writing has gotten a little better just in these five weeks because of what I've learned and Pamela's amazing tips. Pamela, you will forever be a gentle yet constructive voice in my head every time I edit. Thank you AWC and Pamela. You have been wonderful. This course is perfect for emerging writers looking to dive into the craft and learn the tools so that they have the foundational elements of good creative writing.

Pamela was kind, caring, very knowledgeable and great at tweaking our work to really sharpen the writing. Her tips and feedback were practical and useful for our entire writing career. All of the above is needed in a tutor because most of us are self-conscious so kindness and care is so important while guiding us on the journey to being better writers.

I already feel like a better writer just from this beginner course's learnings and the feedback. While you've captured the important theory it's so practical that it makes it easy to apply. It's like I was stuck because I couldn't take my draft any further, but now I have the skills to sharpen it and make it better. The skills still need further development but I have the sharpener now.

This is a great course for beginners that want a nurturing and supportive environment to learn the essentials of creative writing. The course material is structured so it's great for learning about the foundational pillars of good writing. It's also practical, so it's easy to apply. Getting feedback on my writing was very helpful; it allowed me to see what I was not able to see (the problems). It allowed me to know how to sharpen and improve on my style (the solutions). I highly recommend this course and think it's a such a good investment in myself and my writing. I loved taking part and would tell my husband every week: 'I just love this course, I'm so happy I found it.'

Natasha Spyridakos 2 years ago

The tutor was very knowledgeable and encouraging. I never felt embarrassed or too overcome by feedback that I wanted to stop trying or writing.

I enjoyed the interactions and the fact that I made time to write, mostly not to waste the investment, but I really enjoyed this and hope to continue. I also like the different scenarios every week and that the assignments made us write different scenes and not always work with the same writing piece.

It was easy to complete and enjoyable. I will definitely write now and know how to go back and be ruthless with getting to my point.

Nur Ali 2 years ago

I loved the course. It cleared my thoughts and set me in writing motion. The feedback was great and helped refine my thinking a lot. I also learnt about and understood better the publishing business.

The feedback was detailed and very helpful. I needed that to engage in the writing process and understand the discipline that is required to be a writer.

I loved listening to the audios and went over them many times to guide me.

I know my weaknesses now in that I try to overemphasise certain messages. So I now read my work in a more critical way.

Extremely useful if you want to pursue writing. Great experience for me. I will be back for more 😊👌

Patrick Creenaune 2 years ago

Pamela was excellent. I learned a great deal from the lessons. So many good tips on writing that I never considered previously. and the assignments were a good motivation.

I now feel confident to write stories.

I did this for purely personal reasons, and not necessarily with the expectation of wanting to be a novelist. I wanted to get memories of places and people and be able to weave them into a story. I feel I can do that now. Thanks, AWC.

Do it you will love it.

Veronica Bowe-Murphy 2 years ago

I really enjoyed undertaking the course. It wasn't too onerous for someone working full-time but it was pressured enough to keep it a focus and to ensure that I completed it. I'm very much looking forward to the Write Your Novel course.

Alan Coulthard 2 years ago

I love listening to the SYWTBAW podcast and find Val and Al very laid back and engaging. I was looking for a course to spur me into some writing action, after procrastinating for years, before realising that there is *never* going to be enough time. I debated between this one and the crime writing course and went for this one because there was no specific commitment to a particular day or time, it was self-paced - and that fitted better with what I could make time for right now.

The tutor was excellent. Great feedback. It must be really difficult to do this with a fairly diverse group without stepping on anyone's toes! But good advice on structure, particularly.

I enjoyed actually doing the writing. I was amazed how it just flowed out. Just committing to the course has moved me out of planning/procrastination stage and into actually writing. And (this may be self-delusion, but while the glow is there I am claiming it) I think I can actually do this...

The Creative Writing Stage 1 course is a great way to kickstart your writing! The course is well planned and covers some good ground.

Tammy Blythe 3 years ago

This is the first course I have taken in writing. I have just started out "Reinventing Myself". The best place to start - at the beginning!

I don't think I am a great writer but I always had a little voice in the back of my head saying I need to write a book. I was really worried about the feedback from the teacher. I must say I was pleasantly surprised. I actually think I did ok and got some encouraging feedback from my teacher and some great helpful criticisms and tips. It helped me to see where I need more experience and knowledge.

I am proud that I completed the course. I am looking forward to doing another - just trying to choose! I want to further develop my dialogue, structure and layout - and use the correct grammar when writing dialogue.

The teacher was really encouraging and felt like she really cared about each student's writing. She gave some great feedback.

I could listen to Valerie Khoo talk all day long. I hung on her every word! She gave so much insight to writing.

Thank you for creating this course - Thank you Angela for your time and encouragement. Good luck to all the students - I hope to see them on the best seller list one day!

I finished it - and I am proud of the writing that I produced. I can do it! Starting out at 45 is really hard! I really want to write something and be published. Now I believe that I am good enough to actually do it.

Be brave and just do it. Just start.

John McAdam 3 years ago

This course is perfect for its audience and provides lots of feedback and exercises to keep the student occupied.

I'm starting to seriously do more of my creative writing.

Amazing short course for people who want to get some practical and effective information about starting their creative writing journey.

Adriana Mucea 3 years ago

I found the tutor very knowledgeable. The feedback she provided was constructive and I was able to implement it immediately.

I enjoyed receiving feedback for my work and interacting with other people passionate about writing.

It made me realise that I can write a given number of words based on a prompt and I can meet writing deadlines. I spent so much time worrying about this for no reason.

The AWC is the place where people really care about writing and they do their best to guide students in writing their first novel, short story or whatever they choose to do.

Omer Dalkilic 3 years ago

The course was nice and relaxing, was not too stressful and demanding. It really allowed me to just sit back and slowly digest the information, then put that information to words.

Amanda Hampson was a great tutor, provided good feedback for areas to improve on and when asked questions, answered the best she could. No faults.

As I opted to write segments of my own story, it really made me want to revisit it and continue the journey (the particular story used was one I had abandoned for nearly two years now). So it gave me that spark I needed to continue.

I'd like to thank Amanda and the students for all the feedback.

Get on it and don't wait like I have for so long!

Kelly Anderson 3 years ago

I found being able to do this in an achievable time frame and not under pressure made this course enjoyable. It also gave me great theoretical background to writing which I had not covered for a while. The feedback was useful and I was able to use it to critique my writing for my next tasks.

The course was great in kickstarting my writing. Made me feel like writing for an audience is possible and that I am capable of it.

Do it - it's a great confidence builder. I'd always hesitated, because I was worried about sharing my writing and I'm not great with receiving feedback. However, I found I enjoyed the critical feedback knowing it was only going to strengthen my writing for other readers.

Thank you to my tutor Amanda and other students for their feedback.

Gary Warren 3 years ago

I've always liked reading and writing but, due to work, never had much of an opportunity. My wife knew of my passion and enrolled me into this course as a birthday present. I'm so glad she did!

I absolutely loved the creative writing course! The learning content and resources were well constructed and, combined with the assignments and exercises, aided my better understanding of the art of creative writing.

Angela's assessments of my assignments were very constructive, helpful and on the mark every single time. It is quite obvious that she is a seasoned professional in the art of creative writing.

I enjoyed putting all the learning from the resource materials to work in my assignments and impressing myself with how much I had improved since starting the course. I also enjoyed the interactions among my fellow students...and knowing that I wasn't alone on this journey!

It has reignited my passion to start creative writing. The course has also given me the confidence to plan to write a series of short stories...and perhaps even a novel one day.

If you would like to start creative writing or improve your creative writing skills, contact the Australian Writers' Centre!

Thank you so much for including me in this course, which has convinced me that I am not too old to start a creative writing career!

Geraldine Tredrea 3 years ago

I loved the course. The information was clear and interesting and valuable. I will be referring back to the notes and exercises for sure.

Suzanne was great. Her feedback was kind and constructive and really encouraging.

I most enjoyed writing! I've been trying to get myself started for so long and this really put me in the path.

I was also really comforted by the information and advice. I guess I'd always thought writers sat down and the words flowed beautifully onto the page. It's just never done that for me and it was comforting to see how much "behind the scenes" work actually goes in to that finished product. It gave me hope!

It's very worth it. If you were trying to master any other skill, you would seek training and expertise from people within the industry, why not writing.

Kerry Cox 3 years ago

Angela was fantastic. Her analysis and assessment of each person's submission was very comprehensive, positive and encouraging. I especially liked the last assignment evaluation as she edited these as well.

The most enjoyable part of the course was reading and commenting on other student's work. Their comments on my writing was so encouraging in the sense that I really felt that I was in a community. I have made some new friends.

The course is very balanced in the amount of lessons and handouts as well as assignment expectations. I didn't get time to finish or even look at some of the extra exercises, but I will work through these at my own pace.

It has made me want to take up writing seriously, not just as something I dabble in. I want to be a writer! That is a profound life choice for me.

I had a wonderful experience participating in the course and this was due, not only to developing a creative process for writing, but also in the resources and support I received from my tutor and AWC.

I'll be back!

Anne Younghusband 3 years ago

Angela's feedback is affirming and supportive, giving valuable comments and guidance, especially for someone like me who came into the course knowing absolutely nothing about the process!

I enjoyed reading the other students' work and communicating with them. Also, being able to do the assignments in my own time and at my own pace, within the weekly format.

I knew nothing about how to construct a narrative, a scene etc. I had no idea about structure, the importance of setting the scene, and using the four colours in a scene. This course has taught me so much, and has given me sign posts to guide the way. The handouts will be invaluable to refer to in future.

You don't need to be an enormously gifted writer to succeed - you do need to be prepared to do the work with passion, time and self-discipline, but you don't have to be the next Charles Dickens!

The atmosphere within this course is stimulating, but always very encouraging, which gives even the most sensitive writers an environment of acceptance and trust, knowing their work will be dealt with in a respectful way. This, in my opinion, is a huge "tick" for AWC.

If you're looking for an excellent grounding in the craft of writing creatively, to learn important guidelines and receive valuable feedback which will enable you to hone your skills and help you grow as a writer, then this is the course for you.

John Muirhead 3 years ago

The course forced me to write and forced me to think about what I was doing with my writing. It allowed me to experiment and helped me to cease procrastination. With a solid due date ahead of me I have found I spend the time writing and learning. That was invaluable to me.

The online tutor was extremely encouraging and appeared very knowledgeable about writing. She was able to comment on aspects of my writing I was unaware of and could provide a different perspective to what I was used to.

The scene setting lesson was probably the most helpful lesson I have received about writing a scene. I will very likely return to it whenever I am struggling with a scene.

The AWC website whole-heartedly encourages people to pursue a career (or even a hobby) in writing. The breadth of courses and activities available has something to suit every individual person. Everything you see is inspiring and encouraging and you truly feel like a part of a community.

Thank you for creating the opportunity for me to write and learn at the same time.

Ali Ogilvie 3 years ago

Great course. Has delivered what I expected it to and encouraged me to continue my journey towards my first novel. I feel confident enough to just begin writing the book now.

I enjoyed the structure and the way that it scaffolded the various elements as we learnt them and applied them. The tutor was great, very considered feedback and very positively presented.

Absolutely great resource for aspiring and experienced writers alike. A great place to start if you need to find your voice and the confidence to start.

I will be back for more courses!


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