Make your writing sparkle

There’s what you write … and then there’s how you write it. If you want readers to engage in your story, then you need strong style and tone in your writing. And, yes, you can learn how to do this!

Your style and tone need to match your characters and the genre you’re writing in. Why? Because readers have certain expectations and the wrong style/tone can put off readers.

This Focus On… Style and Tone is for you if:

  • You want to develop a distinctive style and tone in your writing
  • You’re aware that your style doesn’t quite work for your story
  • You can’t quite get the tone you’re hoping to achieve
  • You want to make your writing sparkle.
Key information
Key information:
This is an online self-paced seminar
Duration 1 This is an online self-paced seminar

1.5 hours. Your 12 months’ access begins straight away

1.5 hours. Your 12 months’ access begins straight away

Seminar presenter:
Pamela Freeman
Seminar presenter:
Pamela Freeman


In FOCUS ON… Style and Tone, Pamela dives deep into the elements of style and how it affects tone. She covers the most common mistakes new writers make, and shows you how to fix them so that your style enhances your storytelling, and your tone puts your readers in the right mindset to enjoy your plot.

FOCUS ON… Style and Tone is for people who want:

  • A style that engages readers with your characters and encourages them to read on
  • A tone that matches your genre and attracts readers of that genre
  • A way to ensure that style and tone work together to create the ‘feel’ of the book
  • A new way to think about putting their character on the page.

“Pamela’s knowledge is refreshingly wonderful. Everything she says is like a lightbulb moment for me. The way she explained style versus tone, as well as the main points on achieving closeness with your reader were highly valuable.”


In this FOCUS ON seminar

Pamela focuses on how to use style and tone to match your characters and to enhance your storytelling. Each FOCUS ON seminar explores an important aspect of the art of writing – in an accessible and efficient way. The session consists of a 1 hour expert presentation plus an additional 30 minute Q&A – designed to entertain, educate and inspire you to improve your craft.

“What I found particularly helpful was having the differences and similarities between style and tone clearly clarified, how each relates to specific genres and sub-genres, and how to deepen POV simply by removing filter words.”

Debrah Kelly

Meet your presenter

Pamela Freeman is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 40 books and novellas, plus short stories and scripts. She writes under two names: Pamela Freeman for children’s and fantasy, and Pamela Hart for mystery novels and historical fiction.

Prolific across multiple genres, Pamela has a Doctorate in Creative Arts (Writing) and she has been the director of creative writing here at the Australian Writers' Centre for over 10 years.

Key information
Key information:
This is an online self-paced seminar
Duration 1 This is an online self-paced seminar

1.5 hours. Your 12 months’ access begins straight away

1.5 hours. Your 12 months’ access begins straight away

Seminar presenter:
Pamela Freeman
Seminar presenter:
Pamela Freeman


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