FOCUS ON… Avoiding Infringement Banner

How to write about real people, events or places in your novel

You want your writing to be authentic and believable so you’re incorporating real people, places and events into your story. But how much creative licence can you take when you are writing about facts in a fictional world?

Furthermore, what if you are inspired by other people’s work and want to reference their work in your story? Like song lyrics, movie lines, other books and so on. What are the rules around using real quotes, ideas, characters, settings, real people, historic events…especially if you want to change them?

Key information
Key information:
This is a live Zoom seminar
Duration 1 This is a live Zoom seminar

Thursday 12 September 2024

Thursday 12 September 2024

7–8.30pm (Syd/Mel time)

7–8.30pm (Syd/Mel time)

Seminar presenter:
Pamela Freeman
Seminar presenter:
Pamela Freeman


In this Focus On… seminar, our inspiration meets the rules. Because there are a lot of rules about this stuff, covering several areas of law, from copyright to defamation to intellectual property.

But don’t worry! The answers won’t stop you writing your heart’s story or block you from finding the right way to tell it. 

Helping you write with confidence—it’s all in the details

This Focus On… seminar will address the most common questions our students ask us about these issues, and more.

We will:

  • Explore when it’s ok to use real people and places in your story – and when it’s not
  • Look at  whether you’re crossing the line from inspiration into plagiarism
  • Consider when you can use quote from a song, movie, book etc even when you attribute it
  • Learn if and when you can make reference to brands in your story
  • Discuss whether there are any restrictions on writing about historical events and figures
  • Outline what permissions you might need to write a ‘based-on’ story
  • Understand if it’s ok to reimagine an existing story with your own take on it
  • Learn what the deal is with book titles (it’s kind of odd)
  • Discover the truth about fanfic and professional publishing.
  • And much more

Never lose sleep about a ‘Can I write about…?’ question again! And with this Focus On information, you’ll  never let one stop you from exploring the story you really want to tell.

FOCUS ON improving your craft

Each of our popular FOCUS ON seminars explores an important aspect of the art of writing – in an accessible and efficient way. The session consists of a 1 hour expert presentation plus an additional 30 minute Q&A – designed to entertain, educate and inspire you to improve your craft. 

Meet your presenter

Pamela Freeman is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 40 books and novellas, plus short stories and scripts. She writes under two names: Pamela Freeman for children’s and fantasy, and Pamela Hart for mystery novels and historical fiction.

Prolific across multiple genres, Pamela has a Doctorate in Creative Arts (Writing) and she has been the director of creative writing here at the Australian Writers' Centre for over 10 years.

Key information
Key information:
This is a live Zoom seminar
Duration 1 This is a live Zoom seminar

Thursday 12 September 2024

Thursday 12 September 2024

7–8.30pm (Syd/Mel time)

7–8.30pm (Syd/Mel time)

Seminar presenter:
Pamela Freeman
Seminar presenter:
Pamela Freeman


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