Meg Taylor 1 year ago

Well-presented course, logical sequence and covered everything I could need to get started.

I enjoyed learning the process from A-Z, and understanding where I may or may not have the capabilities to manage the entire process.

I realised that I could self-publish through KDP and I don't need a degree to manage it. I can do this.

Lauren Serra 1 year ago

I really appreciated that there was no ambiguity throughout the course. I knew exactly what to expect from the course and what my responsibilities were throughout.

Cindy was a highly professional, friendly and approachable online tutor. She promptly provided feedback each week and I found her feedback to be friendly and encouraging but also very clear in what was needed to improve. I really appreciated both the positive and constructive feedback as I knew nothing of the freelance world before enrolling and learnt a lot from the feedback.

I found the whole course to be enjoyable. Every week, I really looked forward to the next module. I loved the recordings and that I could rewind again and again if something wasn't clear to me at first. I liked that if I had follow-up questions, I could pose these to the tutor. I enjoyed getting to know the other members from the course and hearing the feedback each week.

This is the course for anyone who wishes to be a freelance writer or refine their article writing skills. It takes the big, wide world of the media and breaks it down into practical and easily digestible parts so that everyone has a clear understanding of what knowledge, skills and actions are required to step into freelance writing.

After completing the course, my plan is to have a red hot crack at the freelance writing industry and see if I have got what it takes.

Thank you for the great opportunity to be a part of this course. It was fabulous and I look forward to completing more courses in the future.

Monica A 1 year ago

Carla was a wonderful tutor, full of enthusiasm for everyone's story ideas and always giving positive, constructive, and encouraging feedback. Carla really encouraged me to continue on with an idea I was able to develop in the course and, as a result, that story idea is now my current writing project. Thanks, Carla, for your guidance throughout the course!

I always looked forward to the Monday feedback sessions because I found them so encouraging, positive, and constructive. I was always left feeling motivated to continue working on the story idea in my head.

Sign up! These courses are a great way to get you started with your writing, give you direction and encouragement and, best of all, truly make you believe that being a writer is a real possibility.

Mark Anderson 1 year ago

Nat was great. Her comments were succinct and to the point. Her advice allowed me to understand where I had gone wrong in the basics and how my writing could improve. I believe I am on my way to becoming a better writer due to Nat's support and guidance.

The assignments really made me think outside the box and I loved learning how to show, not tell in my stories. I looked forward to hearing of the little things that I had missed that detracted from, or improved what I had written.

The ability to chat with others in the group was good too. Overall I enjoyed it all but the assignments, the feedback on them, and the group chat were tops.

Not only has the course broadened my knowledge of writing but it is such a confidence booster as well. There was no way I would have considered entering a competition like Furious Fiction beforehand. Now I find I am looking forward to the next one and actively searching for other similar competitions.

I wish I had found the course earlier. Go for it; you will never know what you don't know until you do the course.

Graeme Durrant 1 year ago

The "fireside chat" approach was very good and the course notes provided will form an excellent reference. David Leser knows his stuff, and was very accommodating to his tutorial group.

Prue Pike 1 year ago

I chose this course because I thought it was a good place to start. And I was right; it's far exceeded my expectations! Honestly, I just loved EVERY minute of this course! So so soooooo good!! Thank you.

Nat has been amazing! She's clearly a master at her craft and was so helpful throughout. Thank you so much, Nat.

I think each module had 'aha' moments for me. I took so many notes, wrote more than I have in a long time. I think it's opened my eyes and expanded my horizons as to what might be possible.

I have loved ALL of it. The chat, the lessons, the format, the assignments, the feedback, so many learning opportunities. LOVED the course! Thank you.

I'd say DO IT!! Just do it!! The course is brilliant.

Sue Oliver 1 year ago

I had begun my novel in the Novel Writing Essentials Course and wanted to finish it. I thought this program would be the best option and chose the six-month course because I wanted to get the first draft written as quickly as possible.

I enjoyed the interaction and feedback to and from my fellow students. It was fantastic. Great group. The tutor comments were very helpful.

AWC offers outstanding courses. I've done several now and they are all amazing. You learn so much and they are worth every penny!

Ashleigh Meikle 1 year ago

I liked Bernadette - her feedback was useful and I think I have a good grounding now for going forward with copywriting.

I enjoyed the assignments and being able to flex some different writing skills and muscles, and finding out I can apply this to things like my book reviews, which I think I am going to try for some of the posts I am due to write.

Just do it - do any course that takes your fancy. AWC courses will all help with all forms of writing and I think, having done a few, I have learnt so much that I can use interchangeably; it's made me a confident writer.

Ava S. 1 year ago

My overall impression of Jo was that she's an amazing writer and she knows how to write well and give amazing feedback.

I enjoyed submitting assignments and getting feedback from an actual author instead of friends/family.

It has given me the confidence to publish books when I'm older.

It is an amazing course that really helps boost your writing skills in a fun and easy way.

Thank you so much AWC. I had heaps of fun doing it and it really helped with my writing skills.

Sparrow 1 year ago

Originally I thought this course was going to be too basic for me as a lot of the other writing courses I've looked at have been very basic or are targeted towards adults only. I was pleasantly surprised at how in-depth the course was despite it being targeted towards young people and I really appreciated the ability to access a service that met my level and age.

The tutor's feedback was very helpful and in-depth which allowed me to improve my writing and think about things I hadn't considered myself. I really loved how when giving points to work on she didn't make it feel like an assignment or as if I had done something wrong but instead was really encouraging and enthusiastic about my work and helping me to develop it further. I would definitely recommend her to others.

Getting feedback on my writing was probably the most enjoyable part of the course. I loved implementing the tactics I learnt throughout the course and being able to see the difference they made in my writing and then having someone look over it to make sure I was on the right track.

I think that doing this course has stopped me from giving excuses for not writing. The deadlines and modules really helped to motivate me to write more and allowed me to believe that I actually could write a novel if I work at it.

My aha moment in this course was during the end of the course when plot building started to happen. I struggle with creating plots so the ability to be able to create a plot based on the character's wants and desires was a game changer for me.

If you are struggling with starting or constantly running into problems then doing this course would be one of the best things you could do.

Jennelle Larven 1 year ago

Carli was relatable, with a ton of skills, knowledge and experience that she was only too willing to share with all of us. Engaged well with participants and encouraged participation throughout the day.

I enjoyed listening to the experiences and challenges from other participants. It was great to have a range of skills and experience that could be shared throughout the day. The willingness of participants to share their knowledge and put forward helpful suggestions/solutions. Best practice tips - really helpful.

AWC have tutors who are truly subject matter experts and have an amazing depth and breadth of knowledge, skills and experience. They have a generosity of spirit to pass on all that they know so that students can excel and be confident. Encouraging and supportive values.

Claire 1 year ago

I thought Carli was an excellent tutor who explained all the concepts very clearly and was approachable whenever I had a question.

It has given me enough of an idea about this type of writing to determine if it is something I might want to pursue should a work opportunity in this space arise. I found it very interesting.

The course was very interactive which was great as it was very valuable to listen to input from other attendees on the course.

Having completed a few courses with the AWC, I would highly recommend the AWC to someone who was interested in exploring the area of writing as the courses, tutors and community at AWC are excellent.

Luke Van Peelen 1 year ago

Mark was very positive and provided great feedback where required. He made me feel like this is something I could actually do. I enjoyed the review of the exercise and getting real feedback.

If you're into writing and looking to expand your skills, check the AWC out.

Jodie Matheson 1 year ago

Bernadette is great, practical and informative.

I enjoyed learning more about SEO and how it fits into the world of copywriting in digestible bites. The course has given me tips to assess my own freelance business for SEO quality and tools to help me do the analysis.

Just a huge thank you.

Do it, you won't regret it.

Priyanka Mukherjee 2 years ago

The course was exactly what it was described to be. An absolutely essential module to write better copy and content. It was a great experience.

I am able to look at bad EDM copy and immediately know what I would do differently.

It is a great course to start one's journey into the copywriting world.

Cathy Sheehan 2 years ago

Jo is very considered and logical. She gives clear feedback, in a constructive manner.

I am clearer about the limitations of my writing style. I don't see this as a negative thing but rather something that requires work.

The course does what it says it will do - it gives a good introduction to novel writing.

Ezri 2 years ago

Well, this course was really amazing! I learned a lot from it and it helped me make some really awesome characters that I love and contribute well to my stories. If you were interested, I'm certain it could help you in whatever you are struggling with in your writing.

I feel much better equipped to create better characters. I feel like I can understand my characters and what it is they want and what exactly I want from them much better than I did previously. I just hope I can incorporate this into all my writing to create relatable characters.

Megan Goehring 2 years ago

Jennifer was amazing! Always cheerful, providing accurate, professional feedback each week and suggesting areas for change that were positive. She had clearly read each piece we submitted thoroughly and was able to highlight the areas she was 'speaking to' instantly.

I just didn't want it to end! I feel as though I've walked into another world - where writing my own novel is no longer a ridiculous dream but an actual possibility!!

Thank you xx

Danielle Barker 2 years ago

I knew that characters are the key to any good story, but having written a first draft of a novel I also knew I was still struggling with my characters and making them the heart of the story. I needed a course that would help me to develop my skills around making well rounded and interesting characters.

I found it useful that I came to the course with characters already in mind and have definitely focused on making those characters better using the tips and information in the course. I can also see that the skills I've learned will be invaluable in the future when creating new characters from scratch.

I liked that I could do it in my own time and stop, start and repeat whenever I needed.

Having already written a very rough first draft (and not really knowing where to go next with it) I can see how focusing now on all my characters and how their lives will interact with each other will help improve my next draft exponentially!

Fiction Essentials: Characters gets to the heart of what it is you want to know and how to achieve it in your writing. The course breaks down your learning into manageable chunks and is supported with easy to follow handouts that can be used time and again.

Warren Johnson 2 years ago

I really had fun and have learnt a great deal. The tutor was excellent. I really enjoyed her feedback; it was very helpful.

It has just made me look at my writing in a completely different way and I already know what improvements to make on the novella I have started.

It's a great course. Do it! You will get so much better.

I loved it and am already enrolled in the Fiction Essentials: Grammar and Punctuation course and have my eye on Novel Writing Essentials.

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