Sarah 1 year ago

The tutor was clearly knowledgeable and was able to give positive feedback that supported future growth; she really enhanced the learning experience.

I enjoyed the assignment feedback. I also enjoyed listening to the course content; it made it far easier to manage the course.

I emerged from this course with the confidence to start writing and pitching straight away. I feel like being a writer is actually possible. What a gift that is indeed!

A huge thank you for bringing a little joy and helping to shed the self-doubt just a little.

Margaret Lewis 1 year ago

It was easy to follow, and listening to all the people who have turned into writers from all walks of life is inspirational.

I realised that beginning slowly and by setting aside 8 mins a day, I can achieve my goal. Previously, I thought I would have to write a story in one or two sittings.

There is so much more to writing than you know and the AWC helps you break down the different aspects of the different writing genres.

Wendy Adams 1 year ago

I was attracted to this course after I participated in a zoom session with Kate and Val. It was excellent and that certainly enticed me. But to be totally honest, I love listening to Kate and every time I hear her on a podcast or radio or tv, I'm just blown away by her warmth and knowledge. I am fascinated by the topics she covers such as the Pre-Raphaelites and the important role fairytales play in the human psyche.

I learned so much about writing, art, life and being a creative human. It was fascinating. I've finished the course once but because I have access for the year, I will revisit it again before it expires.

I loved learning new things: the sonnet that she read by Pablo Neruda was beautiful. I googled the music she recommended and I was fascinated by the art work. I'd say Kate herself, her warmth, her knowledge and her beautiful presenting style made this an incredibly memorable event.

In my opinion, it was perfection.

I know that I need to make a structure for my writing. I understand that the fears I have as a writer are common to us all and to write anyway. I love the idea of being a 'creative human' and not just a writer. I love the notion that we must live fully as creatives, to experience life deeply to ensure our creativity is fresh and alive. Being a writer takes bravery and it's normal to feel afraid.

I would say that Kate's course is worthwhile not just for writers but for anyone who wants to live life to the fullest and experience the wonders of creativity whatever form that may take.

Thank you for providing this course for us.

Mike Burke 1 year ago

I was attracted to this course because I'm currently IN my second act, and I've done a bunch of courses with the AWC before.

Pamela's a great teacher. Clear, strong, useful advice (and plenty of it).

A number of things were foggy for me before this course, but they are clearer now. Subplots; using all this as a guideline for your first edit (draft 2); and using all this as a guideline, not rules.

The AWC gives you the tools to help you write, and write well.

Katrina Hamall 1 year ago

I most enjoyed Pamela Freeman's advice that was delivered in an encouraging and accessible way, and the handouts I can keep and refer to.

I feel like I have started the journey to learn more about the craft of writing. It has encouraged me to actually start writing.

The self-paced course is great because you can fit it in around your other commitments. It inspires you to stop thinking about it and actually start writing.

Debbie Edwards 1 year ago

Pamela was amazing! I learned so much from her feedback. She was able to put her finger on exactly what was missing, and I was able to take that away and use it to improve my writing. She was kind and respectful, but unafraid to tell you exactly what you were doing wrong. This is what I really needed as a writer.

I would say that fiction writing is a whole different ball game to the types of writing most people do in their day-to-day lives. There are so many people who have strong written language skills, but probably don't understand the nuts and bolts of fiction writing. AWC can help with that.

Cheryl Hyland 1 year ago

I liked the variety of word count and the inspiration of watching/reading other AWC graduates, and also author's quotes.

I now have a 12,000-word story that I want to edit and publish. I now desire to be a writer even more than before.

AWC creates excellent courses for beginners like me, and I am now inspired to get more creative and complete other courses. They have real people who are successful graduates who are relatable and verify the courses. The courses are very well set out, affordable and inspirational.

Zewlan Moor 1 year ago

Very thorough content, engaging presenter. Useful info - e.g. length and format of presentations for different year levels.

Helped me to know what speaking agency expected when I applied to them - they accepted me!

I always recommend AWC courses - for this one, I'd say it's a very thorough course that hopefully helps us to be as successful as Nat Amoore! But she was kind enough to emphasise we're all different in our personalities and presentation styles, and to lean into that.

Dijana 1 year ago

I love creative writing and struggled to find a good reliable source that would help me navigate with clear easy-to-follow steps to have my stories published. Really appreciate all the information and supportive documents!

I enjoyed the step-by-step guide and book boffin easy-to-follow instructions on what to do to get my stories published. The information was there but I had no idea where it was up until I did this course. Thank you for all the info and resources available to me. It gave me some much-needed guidance.

You need to get on this fab AWC online course. It's affordable, easy to learn and it has all the info you need to be a success!

Barbara Kelly 1 year ago

The course was pitched at my level of ability but was still challenging. I just loved every bit of it. Of course, it will take time to practise the skills and then put them to good use.

It was all enjoyable but probably I enjoyed particularly the aspects of writing demonstrated that deepened my learning e.g. the literary techniques, how to plan the narrative arc, structure and particularly the fact-checking section. Also I was very interested how other writers employed these writing skills.

I now have more enthusiasm, energy to move forward, more knowledge and confidence and thirst for more writing knowledge and of course more aptitude to do my own writing whatever that may be.

The whole course just lit my fire for more.

Beck Blake 1 year ago

Pamela was fantastic. She provided really helpful feedback and shared so much knowledge. I enjoyed listening to the modules and receiving feedback on the assignments.

It's a great course with lots of helpful material and a fantastic tutor.

Julie Bowyer 1 year ago

I'd lost my writing mojo and needed encouragement to get back into a good habit. It was hard to begin with because I had such a block with the story. I forced myself to write anything that might push the plot forward, such as conversations with my characters, or short scenes that I knew would happen but not when or where in the story.

By the start of the fourth week I had my mojo back. My characters were talking to me and I was frantically looking for pen and paper to jot down the ideas (because the muse never came to me when I was on my computer).

I enjoyed checking in every day to find out how much I had to write. I particularly enjoyed the #500in30 exercises because I had to write fast and forget about planning. These were my most creative days.

There were days when I thought I didn't have time to do the task, and yet I managed to squeeze them in. I learnt that it doesn't matter if you write a big pile of rubbish, because buried in there somewhere is a gem of an idea.

You can't edit a blank page. And, if you don't turn up every day, how will the muse find you?

If you need accountability, do it!

Suzanne Mildren 1 year ago

So impressed with the quality of the materials, the structure and how far we were taken on our writing journey in only 5 weeks!

Nat was totally fabulous! I absolutely loved how skilfully she shared feedback in a way that was 100% encouraging. Nat made me feel like I can be (and am) a writer! I'm very excited about my writing journey now. It feels like it's shifted from being a vague wishful thought to being something that's completely real and in progress.

I found the whole experience enjoyable. If I had to choose one thing it would be hearing Nat read my writing out loud and then Nat saying something like 'Great stuff' followed by really practical and useful elements to work on or think about to improve it.

I now feel like I am already a writer and my journey is about continually developing my writing habit. I've realised I'm on a continual improvement journey to become a better writer. Which is exciting compared to before the course - when I thought being a writer (at all) was wishful thinking only. Such a contrast!

I've realised that the technical elements of writing can be learnt and are within easy reach. Then all I have to do is combine that with my imagination. It is that simple! It's still hard work but so enjoyable.

You will learn so much and be encouraged more than you can currently believe possible. You will have so much fun!

Abbey Lane 1 year ago

This course took me longer than expected as there was so much wonderful content. I enjoyed Nat's passion, engagement, handy tips. I am more prepared for my first school visit next month.

This course was amazing and highly recommended as engaging Nat shares gems of experience and loads of content to help budding creators present to kids. 11 out of 10.

Richard Casey 1 year ago

Nat did a wonderful job of giving constructive feedback. I feel like she really took the time to delve deep into our writing to give a proper analysis. Her comments were always insightful and highlighted areas to work on that I had never even considered.

The course forced me to be more consistent in getting words onto the page.

David Ballenger 1 year ago

I felt that the pacing of the course and the nature of the feedback worked well to help the students improve in a reasonably painless way, over a reasonably short duration. I also found it to be well presented in terms of the course materials.

I felt that Nat did a great job of delivering appropriate feedback whilst also being tactful. I felt that she was personable and knowledgeable, and I felt confident in her ability as our tutor.

Having simple parameters and reasonable expectations ensured that meeting the deadlines wasn't too much of a challenge. It was also good to hear my writing read aloud.

It's helped me to become more certain of my own abilities; more aware of my own flaws; and more likely to pursue a future in writing. I discovered that I'm better at this than I feared I would be, while still needing to work on addressing the gaps in my knowledge and skillset.

It's a great way to develop your writing skills, and there is sufficient variety amongst the courses that you'll be able to cherry-pick the things you want or need to focus on.

Just a warm thankyou.

Jill Sherrin 1 year ago

Each and every tutorial with Bernadette is like a mini-masterclass. All her feedback is priceless and it's such a great safe space to take risks with your writing while having fun.

The more I learn, particularly with the courses AWC gifts as study, the more I want to learn! It's completely feasible to do one standalone course and be equipped and satisfied yet I always find it's like looking into a prism and discovering extra angles to harness.

Whether you're just curious ... dip your toe in the water curious - or follow a passion and deep dive into a subject - you will find your stroke. The water is fine!

Kim Campbell 1 year ago

Nat was really knowledgeable and her feedback felt fair and actionable, which was great.

It was so cool to read other people's assignments to see how they responded to the prompt and also to learn more about how to write better. The course made me want to keep writing. It also warned me that writing a novel is no small feat.

The AWC is a great community connected to many amazing authors.

Zoe Lawrie 1 year ago

Bernadette is amazing. Very knowledgeable and makes you feel at ease with taking on a new career. She gives you the confidence boost you need to combat the overwhelm and believe in yourself and your skills as a copywriter.

I have taken significant steps in the last few months since starting the course to start my own freelance copywriting business and now feel there is a way forward. I'm excited for the future.

You can't go wrong with any of the AWC courses. If something in the writing field interests you, they have the course for it and your skills will skyrocket by completing their course. The community around the AWC is the most wonderful and supportive place.

Caroline Lewis 1 year ago

Pamela was absolutely amazing as a tutor. So knowledgeable, and just a very lovely person. And her feedback was 'off the Richter scale good'!! I greatly admire and appreciate her passion for helping students hone their craft and become better writers - it shines through in everything she does.😊

One realisation, for me, was realising that a children's book doesn't necessarily have to be 'fun' (from a question that I asked Pamela). Many children's books obviously are, but there are also many that are a bit more 'serious', in terms of what they're about. While my novel will (hopefully) be a lot of fun, it feels good to know that it doesn't have to be 'fun' all the time (and it's not really possible anyway!!).😄

AWC courses and workshops are absolutely amazing. You will learn so much.😊


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