Christine Childs 3 years ago

I enjoyed the overall format of fortnightly modules, submissions and feedback. I didn’t find the time commitment onerous, despite working four days per week. I think reading other students’ work and giving feedback is a really valuable experience. It was a great experience doing the course in 2020, in the midst of the Melbourne COVID-19 shutdown. It really helped keep me focused and productive.

I really appreciated the 12-month online format. Previously I think there was just a six-month option and I was hesitant to do that given my work commitments. I was able to get my first draft written and do a complete rewrite second draft with this format.

I found Cathie’s feedback to be very measured, sensible and relevant. I liked that she read everyone else’s feedback and acknowledged where other students had given sound advice.

I don’t think my writing style or novel changed much during the course but the course helped keep me motivated to keep writing and get my novel finished. The positive feedback reinforced that I was on the right track.

The courses are well structured and draw on a wide range of writers’ experiences. An online course means that you can be flexible with your time requirements. Committing to a course helps you keep writing come what may. Having your own set of Beta readers is a worthwhile thing. There are a huge variety of programs to choose from. AWC courses are good value for the financial and time commitment.

Ryan Tolliday 3 years ago

I now know where I belong in the industry, as a writer looking for a publisher. This and the other course have helped me sort out my career pathway, and freed my mind quite a bit. I see the boon of being a part of the traditional publishing industry, rather than going at it alone and self-publishing.

This course is great, and especially helps you understand the industry: you'll approach the publishing industry better, and what you will learn will help you on your way towards making and publishing your book.

Julian Beckedahl 3 years ago

I really enjoyed listening to the course's modules, instead of just reading the PDFs. Valerie has a nice voice and it's easy to listen to her commentary. I also liked hearing from graduates and understanding how they started their writing careers. Real-life stories really help.

I can see how you can keep your day job but explore writing on the side - in a meaningful and rewarding way.

Tegan Hamilton 3 years ago

Extremely comprehensive and great for getting you thinking about different aspects of the writing craft and how it can be applied to current and future works.

Nadia Eschler 3 years ago

This grammar course has taught me in depth and I found it more helpful than what I learnt in school. I found it hard to learn English grammar at school and although English is my first language, this course simplified it without making it confusing.

I have no regret completing this course. Go for gold! I highly recommend this course for people who are needing a refresher or struggled with their English grammar and punctuation like I did.

Gregory Lewis 3 years ago

I really appreciate the 'insider' comments/anecdotes and true stories as told by Valerie. I enjoyed the positivity of the presenter and the valuable information provided in the Modules.

It has 'enthused' me to write and achieve some enjoyable additional income.

Follow your dreams/goals and have a go!

Shelley Dark 3 years ago

The Writing Workout course with Pamela (I've done it twice!) has been my favourite so far for many reasons - I really enjoyed the animated Zoom class atmosphere and I benefited greatly not only from the live feedback on my own assignments, but on those of my classmates. I really recommend this course.

Pamela has a marvellous capacity for communicating writing technique in a spontaneous manner. She's lively and interesting, and has incredible knowledge and skill.

I particularly liked being able to use the writing I'm working on as homework for the class.

The tutors at the Australian Writers' Centre are all proven authors themselves, so the courses are sound and practical. Pamela is a treasure.

Katia Spies 3 years ago

Bernadette has a wonderful way of breaking things down into bite size pieces and making each step seem easily achievable. She is a perfect coach for those of us who need to overcome our self-doubt, procrastination and perfectionism.

I enjoyed the well-structured step-by-step breakdown.

Thank you AWC and Bernadette. No doubt you will see more of me.

Jenny Wilson 3 years ago

Pamela is such a gift. Her ability to hone and polish made our work way better than it was and I will always be grateful for her constant encouragement.

I enjoyed the feeling of being part of a group. I believe that everyone in the group has improved in our writing and has a far clearer understanding of our story. I know I certainly do.

Thank you for the opportunity to do this. It's made a huge difference to my writing and they were two hours every fortnight I've really looked forward to. I'm going to miss it.

Janet Stone 3 years ago

I enjoyed learning all the practical and insightful information. I have had 4 stories commissioned with MiNDFOOD, and stories published with The Saturday Paper, Kids on the Coast and Reader's Digest.

Do it or you'll regret it.

Allison McCrindle 3 years ago

I have been interested in writing picture books for a couple of years but didn't know how to get started. I was initially concerned about putting our stories up for everyone to see but reading everyone's stories and listening to the feedback on each was one of the most valuable parts of the course.

Zanni was amazing. Her feedback helped point us in the right direction. It was such an important part of the course. I valued her feedback very much.

The most valuable thing about the course was that it made me write or update a story every week. It got me started.

I enjoyed the whole thing but looked forward to the feedback as I learnt so much from the feedback on everyone's stories.

I loved this course. You need to do a course like this before you start writing your book.

Marg Griess 3 years ago

I loved Tim Harris' zany approach to teaching. Exactly what the material is about. I savoured each lesson and will be going over the material again. Well done! The course has helped me develop my funny bone... just what I was looking for!

I loved Tim Harris' videos. His props and gags are exactly the attitude a writer of humour for kids needs. I may have to get a few wigs to wear while I write! Besides, his content is spot on. I was able to write a funny story much to my relief at the end. Mission accomplished!

Tim's feedback on my submission was just the best feedback ever. Top notch!

I really had a hard time reading my own material, thinking it just was not funny enough and cringing at my submission. When I received Tim's comments and his genuine giggle at parts of it, I was heartened to think I do have it in me to write funny. I was struggling with that before the course.

Go for it. It is worth money well spent!

Michele Slatter 3 years ago

I didn't really think it would change the way I viewed writing but it has. Begone Lady Dabbler, Welcome Determined Author!

Kiera Archer 3 years ago

Alex was great and provided great feedback and always explained what she meant. Once Alex gave me feedback on my ideas and how to angle them more, I was like, aha! I get what you mean! and could go away and change it.

I enjoyed the assignments! I didn't think I would but once I got going, I loved it.

It's given me something to be excited about again. Also helped me to decided which direction I would like to go in.

100% worth the time and every cent!

Norman Pauline 3 years ago

Being a father, I read stories to my children when they were young. When we were away from home without any storybooks I would 'make up' stories to amuse them. Now that I am retired, I have spare time and decided to attempt to write stories for young children and maybe get some published.

I enjoyed reading all the excellent material provided. The discipline and commitment required to complete and lodge the assignment on time.

It has inspired me to become creative and write more stories for children’s picture books and when I am satisfied with my stories and have checked them against the criteria advised in the course then submit my manuscripts to publishers.

The Australian Writers' Centre courses are very well structured, the procedures are easy to follow, the handouts and instructions are excellent. For any budding writer, the Australian Writers' Centre will show the right way to write professionally or just for pleasure.

I am glad that I enrolled in the course which has given me the confidence to pursue success in writing children’s picture books.

Carolyn Hall 3 years ago

I thought the tutor was great and explained everything very well.

I always had the stigma that I was bad at writing, but with the process she taught us, I now have a method to follow.

I enjoyed the assignments and realising; hey, I can actually do this!

I got a lot out of the course - working in the same industry a lot of information was not new to me, but it gave me a huge dose of confidence to say, "I'll take a crack at that" and I did and it actually worked.

Emilie Deacon 3 years ago

I was looking for something accessible that I could manage while working full-time crazy hours that change without notice. I reviewed the material the course would cover and thought it would be perfect. It didn't disappoint.

Bernadette was great - such a knowledgeable lady.

My mind is somewhat blown at how much there is to learn on this topic and how much I have yet to learn.

My entire life has been spent writing for a specific purpose, be it in news reporting or compiling statements and briefs of evidence for trial, and yet, copywriting was completely new to me. The strategies and processes in the course were extremely helpful and I learned just how much I still have to learn.

I got so much out of this - I can't think of a single reason why you wouldn't do it. Thankyou!

Callum Methven 3 years ago

There was not a wasted word in any of the lectures. It was far more interesting than I expected it to be.

The tutor was professional and approachable.

I now feel confident enough in my copywriting abilities to start looking for work in the field.

It is a fantastic opportunity to upskill with the help of a reputable institution.

Kat Carr 3 years ago

Bernadette was awesome. Respectful. Encouraging but honest. Knowledgeable. Great!!!

I enjoyed meeting a diverse range of writers. Learning to give and receive feedback. Great advice.

The exercises are fantastic. They really made us think about things we do instinctively and unpacking the process gives us a tool kit for when we are stuck. Bernadette was awesome in pointing that out. So that was a revelation. When you are in the learning craft phase it is so easy to be overwhelmed - trying to remember everything. So the notion of writing with your creative brain, but falling back on craft when you need to dig deep really cleared my mind for me. I can seeeeeee!

Honestly, great theory and like minds ... what’s not to love???

D'Arcie Wilson 3 years ago

Writing has always been a huge hobby of mine so I really wanted to learn how to put it all together into a story.

I liked how honest the feedback was. It was constructive and really helped me with all of my assessments. I liked that everyone could see everyone else's comments and assessments and give feedback to each other.

For me personally, I learnt everything I wanted to and more. I would love to keep going so I wish it were longer.

It's made me learn so much about different points of view and ways to write and even read my own writing. It also taught me how to take criticism in a good way and improve myself.

It really struck the creativity in me and motivated me to not worry about what other people think about my writing.


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