Carol Brocklesby 3 years ago

Really great information. I will need to go over it again as there was a lot but it provided a good grounding.

It has given me more incentive to take the next step and write and gain experience.

I enjoyed the bonus information about writing for big businesses. You never know where writing opportunities might be.

Grace Craddock 3 years ago

Absolutely excellent! I learnt so much. The editing examples as well as being able to ask questions was truly enlightening.

The industry knowledge was awesome. Learning about different techniques for writing was also great.

Helped with my writing hugely! I now have a lot more framework for what to consider when writing a piece and what to make sure to include.

You’re gonna learn so much! Don't let the price tag scare you!

Viv Young 3 years ago

Zanni was knowledgeable, down-to-earth and kind. I thought she did a fantastic job and hearing the feedback was very useful though I was hesitant (just because of time constraints) at first.

I enjoyed the lectures and especially the course notes. It's a great to go away with clear, precise information that I can refer back to as I revise other manuscripts.

There were several concepts which I thought I understood (e.g. show don't tell, pacing, structure) but I clearly hadn't grasped them completely or wasn't applying them successfully. This course provided clear, straightforward instruction and practical advice. It has made a huge difference to my writing—thank you!

Great experience —well worth the money! Some of the concepts and advice will be familiar but the way the information is presented makes all the difference.

Dave Clark 3 years ago

It's shown me in practical ways what I need to do to improve my writing. I had a gut feel before that, but this has highlighted specific ways I can improve. That's a relief.

Do it. It's a great resource to help write better.

Brigita Ozolins 3 years ago

I'm working on a first draft of a novel and had become a bit stuck. The Bootcamp sounded like a really great way to boost my writing and develop a more disciplined approach.

I was surprised at how disciplined I was completing the daily targets for writing. No one was checking in on me, so I guess I could have cheated, but I didn't because the course itself was so motivational - and I found I often wanted to write more than the daily word count!

I know I can complete my writing goals by setting myself daily targets, whether I am in the mood for writing or not. I also know that I CAN do 500 words in 30 minutes, even though I found this the hardest writing challenge of all. I'm going to start the course again and repeat it, because I just loved the structure.

If you want to improve your writing and build your confidence as a writer, do a course with the AWC! You won't regret it!

Robyn Veugen 3 years ago

I have been working on the same middle grade/YA novel during NaNoWriMo for several years and have got stuck. I wanted something specifically to give me skills/knowledge for the age group AND give myself a kick in the backside.

There were so many aspects to writing for children/YA that I hadn’t considered. I had many “lightbulb” moments doing the course.

Stephen’s feedback was extremely helpful. Seeing his feedback of other people’s writing as well as my own was useful. I started to see the things I was doing in the other students’ writing too, which helped me to recognise where I needed to improve my own.

Online learning is great for me because I’m in a rural location and can’t easily get to the city for courses. Also, being able to listen to the audio repeatedly helps to cement things for me.

Vicki Milliken 3 years ago

A fantastic introduction into the world of freelance writing. The course is well paced and each module builds on the previous one. At the end, you have the basics to get out there and start writing and pitching articles.

Maxine Monroe 3 years ago

The scope of the course and the fact that it was moderated by a published author attracted me together with the fact that the course covered all the areas I needed to understand in order to move forward with my writing.

I thought Angela was great and gave very fair/balanced feedback and where possible also provided additional information to illustrate her feedback which is always useful.

Having never participated in a writing course before, I found the interactions and the generous and encouraging feedback from the other online students really awesome. Lovely bunch of people.

As a complete novice I had no idea of the importance of preparation work and how it can drastically improve the process. The technical information was priceless. Loved it.

If you are thinking about developing your writing skills either purely for fun or for your career, AWC have a course designed for you. I found the process and the course so enjoyable and have no doubt that what I have learned on the Creative Writing Course 1 will be the foundation of my writing going forward. I plan to take additional courses in the next few weeks.

Tony Neilson 3 years ago

I wanted to increase my motivation and confidence to start doing creative writing again.

I wrote pieces that I wouldn't have attempted before, and because I was actually thinking about writing, and the process around it, I managed to come up with the kernel of a possible novel idea that I'm now having a go at writing.

Have enjoyed reading Angela's comments on all our works, and picking up both very practical tips on "mechanics" of writing as well as on how well our story concepts worked.

I enjoyed being pushed to create. Often did so under the pressure of a deadline, which means I probably wouldn't have done so under my own steam.

I have started writing a novel! Even if it peters out after a few chapters, I've at least gone through the process of thinking about and defining characters, locations, a future state of the world and sketched out in my head at least some of how the story might work. I have also downloaded and started using Scrivener as a result, which feels like something that works for me in terms of adding structure to what I'm doing, and aligns with lessons in the course.

If you're not sure if you want to start writing creatively, this will really help you to make a more fully informed decision.

Stephanie Steinsvaag 3 years ago

I love picture books and reading them to kids! Also wanting to write children's picture books but not really having any idea of where to start, apart from the ideas in my mind.

I realise that I knew very little about the constraints of writing picture books and this course has enlightened me.

I found Zanni's feedback to be constructive and delivered in a very positive way. The video feedback sessions were especially helpful.

It has motivated me to actually start working at writing rather than just thinking and talking about it.

Thanks to AWC and to Zanni. I look forward to many more courses with you.

Helena Rawlins 3 years ago

I knew I had a structure problem. What I didn't know was how to pinpoint exactly where the structure fell down, and how to fix it. Now I do know how to find the structural faults and fix them. In fact, I have done so in my book. Thanks!

Bernice Shepherd 3 years ago

I really enjoyed the course and found it extremely practical.

The feedback from Sue was great, very useful and constructive and very welcome. I think the feedback on my work and on others has helped me a lot in understanding what might be required of a freelance writer and what editors are looking for.

It is very confidence boosting and makes you feel like this is not totally out of reach. It has given me the very practical tools required to actually start putting myself out there to see what happens.

I think it has improved my writing by giving me more structure and focus, and a framework within which to work.

I'd just like to thank Sue for her very helpful and supportive feedback!

James Madden 3 years ago

Sue provided great feedback. It was great to hear her voice in the first module too. The assignments and feedback were a great addition to this. I'm sure I wouldn't have learned as much had this not been offered.

My pitching has improved as well as my writing. Valerie's tips were great and really helped me see features in a different light. I can pick up on the format when I read a feature now, and identify the conventions. I also feel more confident in interviewing. I really appreciate the way the course was laid out. Previously I did a tiny bit of research and would then pitch. Unsurprisingly my pitches were rarely commissioned. Now, I can see the work that goes into a story idea before pitching, and I hope this will make the difference between my pitches before and after.

If you're at the beginning stages of wanting to freelance and you're wanting to learn more tips and tricks of breaking into the industry, leap at the chance to study the Freelance Writing Course with AWC. You won't regret it and it's great value for money.

Kim Robyn Smith 3 years ago

The course reinforced some of the scenes in my writing that I was doubtful about. It helped me improve with character building. I now need to include some other aspects about major characters that are currently missing.

A worthwhile course for tips and pitfalls. Easy to navigate modules. Good value for money and generous timeframe to complete.

Lirize Loots 3 years ago

The feedback provided was excellent and thought provoking. It was really helpful to hear comments on both my own work and that of other participants. Lots to reflect upon and to go back and review in future.

I enjoyed challenging myself weekly with an assignment, reading the assignments others submitted and hearing the feedback on all of our work.

It gave me a starting point and a structure and was the catalyst for setting out ideas for a first story.

Rebecca Spencer 3 years ago

I'm an illustrator who wants to explore writing children's picture books, and was recommended your course by a librarian.

Our online tutor gave us helpful feedback and explained well where our stories could be improved in a constructive manner.

I enjoyed the results, and having my own stories that I can now work on further.

This course has further shown me the enjoyment that comes with the creativity in storytelling, and has opened my eyes to the possibility of this as a career.

This course helps you dip your toe into writing stories for children, how to learn to edit your own work and how to make a career from it.

Karen Young 3 years ago

Pamela was fantastic, I could listen to her talk about writing for days! I learnt so much about all the topics covered by taking on board her feedback about all of our assignments.

I loved the Zoom classes and hearing the feedback from Pamela and my fellow students. I learnt so much from reading and commenting on everyone’s assignments.

I started Writing Workout with a vague idea for a book and through doing all the exercises I was able to finish the course with a solid outline to continue on with. For me, this course was invaluable.

There’s a huge amount involved in writing a fabulous book! But I’m now much closer to doing that than I was before I started this course in November. I enjoyed it so much that I’m thinking about doing it again.

Just a HUGE thank you to Pamela... she was absolutely fantastic!

Katie Hoskins 3 years ago

Great presenter and easy to follow knowledge which I can put into practice right away. Carli was very experienced in the field and very approachable.

Good real-life examples and easy to follow instructions.

I'm going to investigate UX and SEO writing further and make it a bigger part of my career.

Polly Taylor 3 years ago

I was interested to learn more about UX. Having a Zoom with direct feedback seemed like an excellent idea.

The presenter was absolutely exceptional. The entire group was very fun. Really supportive. Great group and vibe.

Fiona Egan 3 years ago

Carli is an excellent tutor: well prepared and plenty of real-world experience.

I enjoyed the range of backgrounds of the participants. It was particularly useful to have a business analyst and front-end dev in the group. It was also interesting to hear from writers working in different sectors from me.

I feel more confident about what I'm doing!


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