Jennifer Sheppard 3 years ago

I thought Bernadette's delivery was great throughout the course. The content of each module was clearly explained, and the feedback was very good, constructive, and useful.

I enjoyed the sense of achievement having completed assignments - which was increased once I'd received Bernadette's feedback!

I feel confident enough to set up a business as a Freelance Copywriter. Until two years ago I was a Technical Writer. This course showed me that I was capable of being more creative.

The enrolment process was easy, and the communication from AWC was excellent. The online components for the training were easy to follow and use, and the training was clear and well structured. Finally, the feedback was invaluable!

Thanks for this course, and for the great feedback Bernadette! I'm looking forward to my next course.

Sue Thompson 3 years ago

This is a magical course. Please keep it on the curriculum. :) It's a gem.

This format is great online. Pamela was a great teacher who encouraged us to develop good workshopping and writing skills. It was wonderful to be part of a group that would cheer for you and your characters and also give constructive feedback to make your better.

Pamela is an excellent teacher! She provided an excellent framework so we could all achieve, no matter what stage we were at.

The workshopping was brilliant: take a small excerpt of writing and say what you like and what confuses you. This has changed the way I look at my own writing and the way I can give feedback to others.

I am now able to take an idea and look at it from 'what do I like, what is confusing' and be less critical and perfectionist at the first draft stage. This makes achieving a first draft so much more achievable.

Colleen Gee 3 years ago

Bernadette has a huge depth of knowledge and you can tell by the way she gets her message across that it is ingrained. Responses and information flow from her in an automatic and natural way.

The learning is fast-paced and the improvement seen in my writing is great. It provided me with more confidence that I can do this.

If you have a bit of technological understanding and want to be more helpful to your copywriting clients, then do the AWC SEO Copywriting course. It will open up a whole new world of wonder to you. Much of it includes using tools that will provide you with the information you need for your clients to surpass their competitors and return to you when they need further assistance.

Gill Palliser 3 years ago

Initially I was attracted by the fact that I could make money from copywriting. But as the course went on, I realised it was so much more. I learned that there's a lot more to copywriting than I imagined. I love it.

Bernadette is an amazing tutor. Her knowledge seems to be unlimited. And she cares about what her students will gain from the course. I learned a lot from her feedback as well.

I realise that copywriting is what I want to do. I've done creative writing courses but this course has shown me that I don't want to write fiction. I've found my writing passion.

During a Zoom meeting, Bernadette asked us what we were passionate about. And I realised I could use copywriting to help people as well as to make money. I would call that a life turning point.

The AWC is an excellent place to learn all kinds of writing. All the tutors have amazing amounts of knowledge and talent in their fields of writing.

Nikki (Nicole) Shilling 3 years ago

Bernadette was a great presenter and the material really useful and kind of common sense. All my dots were joined! She was a great tutor and seems like an interesting and fun person!

I actually really enjoyed crafting the homework and thinking about how I might apply it all to my own business as well as help my friends and hopefully future clients with their businesses.

Thanks all! I'm looking forward to doing the next course.

Elise Pritchard 3 years ago

Bernadette is awesome. She knows her stuff and is willing to share her secrets. Not only that, she's put it together in a way that makes it easy to understand. What a star.

I picked up my first job whilst doing the course so it has given me the confidence to reach out to businesses and state what I can do for them. I love the brief; what a gold resource.

Jump onboard these easy to access online writing courses; you really can earn money to pay for subsequent courses before completing the first!

Thank you. I look forward to digging up more gold in CopyClub.

Belinda Baws 3 years ago

The tutor's comments on my assignments were spot on each time. He was diplomatic but direct.

I enjoyed reading other students' works and having a deadline to work to.

The course has given me insight into story structure and into the specific nuances of writing for children and YA.

The course content is relevant and to the point. Do it!

Michaela Farrington 3 years ago

I was interested in learning more about how to write for children, to learn more about how it is done, and to get feedback on some of my writing attempts. I was also keen to have a chance to flex my creative muscles again after letting them atrophy for many years while at home taking care of my young son.

It has been a long time since I have done any creative writing so I was worried that I might not be very good at it. And I was a little worried about submitting assignments each week when my skills might not be excellent. But since the course was online, that did make it a bit easier to submit writing without embarrassment.

The course was excellent and I learned a lot. It inspired me to start writing more regularly and to commit to carving out time to write.

The feedback Stephen gave me regarding my assignment on identifying the climax of my story was hugely helpful and gave me such a great insight into how to better structure this part of my story and other stories I might write. That was a real 'aha' moment for me.

I enjoyed it all. I loved learning about how to write for children, and I enjoyed sitting down to write the assignments and also getting feedback on how to improve my writing.

It has inspired me to sit down and actually write regularly, rather than just dreaming about maybe writing someday when I might eventually have the time and when I've come up with the perfect idea.

The course was fabulous. The content was great. It gave me lots of useful information about how to write for children, including structure and voice. And it was wonderful to be able to listen to the modules at any time that suited me, and to complete the small, manageable assignments in my own time. It was incredibly useful to get feedback on my writing. But for me, the best thing was, it forced me to actually sit down and start writing. For a long time, I've wanted to write but have been waiting to find the perfect idea, or have enough free time to do it. But life is so busy, there was never time. This course forced me to actually make time for writing and to just sit down and get started.

Paul Mihtatidis 3 years ago

Suzanne was excellent. Her feedback was very pertinent and constructive.

I enjoyed the recorded sessions, the feedback from the tutor and the variety of the course content. It has given me a better understanding of the writing process from all aspects.

As someone totally new to this, I found all five modules invaluable.

The AWC is a very credible organisation with high quality courses for all levels and interests.

Tania Williamson 3 years ago

I wanted to get back into writing and I liked that it was online and at a reasonable price.

The tutor was excellent. Provided excellent, spot on feedback which really stretched my thinking and increased my knowledge. Thank you!

I enjoyed writing again! Reading others work also. It improved my confidence and taught me many things I didn't know.

It will give you amazing insight and knowledge about writing for children and young adults. Definitely recommend it!

Rob Leonard 3 years ago

It took more than 2 hours (I'm a slow learner!), but I can now use Scrivener with confidence.

The presenter is a writer, so she understands our needs. Her presentation is also very clear and easy to follow.

I am now using Scrivener and it's helping me keep on track with my writing. It has become a 'treat' to open the program!

Jacqui Nicholson 3 years ago

It was great and well worth doing. I enjoyed the daily exercises.

It challenged me to write different daily lengths and at different times which helped me understand my writing process a lot better. It's possible to keep the momentum up and it doesn't have to take that long. You can still edit other novels and do other bits and pieces while still writing.

It's worth the effort. The courses are structured well and very informative covering many different subjects within a writer's journey.

Tania Holland 3 years ago

The tutor was very thorough, clear and supportive. Feedback was delivered in a kind and constructive manner.

I enjoyed discovering that copywriting is more formulaic than I'd realised. Also, being able to see the submissions and feedback of other participants.

I plan to use it to kick-start a career in a niche where I already have a presence

The course is excellent value. The pacing is easy to keep up with and the support and feedback is incredibly useful.

Thank you to Bernadette for the great leadership. I'll be signing up to the other courses too.

Judith Betts 3 years ago

I found Pamela's feedback to be enormously helpful. There is no doubting her expertise. I liked the online feedback as well as the written feedback.

I liked the discipline of having to submit segments of writing at regular intervals - and I especially valued the feedback of others.

I have a deeper appreciation of POV (head, heart and body) and of structure. I think, also, that I have a greater appreciation of the need to take the reader on an emotional journey.

The course represents great value for money. It offers some profound insights and is rich in feedback. It also provides opportunities to network with other writers.

I enjoyed the course and am delighted to have a first draft at the end of it.

Kelsey Moore 3 years ago

The tutor was amazing - very detailed feedback each week.

It was easy to fit into my week, and great to have a practical element with detailed feedback.

My writing has improved and I'm much more confident!

Great value for money!! Easy to fit into your busy lifestyle.

Belinda Carli 3 years ago

I want to write historical fiction and your other courses have been so useful.

It was very comprehensive, especially covering potential pitfalls and putting them into context.

This is where you go to learn to write a book properly! I'm writing that book!!!

Christine Kiss 3 years ago

I enjoyed listening to the experts in this field. The resources supplied were wonderful.

A thorough and interesting look into the world of publishing.

Judy Anderson 3 years ago

It was both short enough and long enough at the same time to keep me interested, whilst gaining a better understanding of copywriting. The feedback was very clear and easily understood.

I enjoyed discovering I can write and with practice have room for improvement. Prior to the course, I felt I had the creativity to write, but not the skills to make what I was writing effective or have an impact.

Whilst you hear the saying 'practice makes perfect', I always felt that writing was a skill either you have or you don't. But early on in the course Bernadette made a comment along the lines of: the more you write the easier and faster it becomes. Personally, I've always found it takes me hours to write material that is only mediocre and therefore I avoided writing. Bernadette's advice makes sense, I guess. I illustrate as part of what I do and the more I illustrate the faster the ideas arrive and the more creative I am. I feel I'm now applying this logic to all writing that I do.

I'd highly recommend the course for anyone wanting to gain an understanding of copywriting. Totally worth the money spent and a great confidence builder for a very unconfident beginner writer!

Taylor Maher 3 years ago

Loved it. Really good to reinforce things I thought I knew and great for new skills.

The tutor was excellent. Very engaging and the recorded feedback was excellent. Short, relevant chunks of information delivered using real-life, recent examples.

It's really helped me get to the point, focus on everyday language and follow a proven structure.

I couldn't recommend it more highly. Whether you do so for business or pleasure, if you enjoy writing and would like to sharpen up your skills, absolutely consider this course.

Catherine Marshall 3 years ago

The course has clarified the way I should approach constructing my next novel.

I enjoyed the flexibility of access to material. Being able to switch back and forth between audio and information on the screen.

An excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn to write but isn't sure where to start.


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