Leanne Levi 3 years ago

After completing Creative Writing stage 1, I was hooked, and found myself writing a story. The Novel Writing Essentials course felt like perfect timing.

Pamela's feedback was very useful and I found myself having many aha moments during her feedback. I enjoyed reading all the other stories from classmates and receiving their feedback. The audio lessons are fantastic!

I was using a lot of flashbacks in my story and, after the useful feedback from Pamela, I have re-written many scenes using story present. As a result, I am feeling a lot happier with those scenes and feel closer to my characters too.

I highly recommend taking a course with the Australian Writers' Centre. My understanding of plot, characters and individuality as a writer has transformed my approach to my writing and I feel very encouraged about where my story is going, thanks to what I have learned through the course.

I look forward to signing up to the novel writing course next, although I am going to pause to zone in on my story for a few months just using what I have learned from the Novel Writing Essentials course. I plan to go over the coursework again and continue to workshop with the group privately for the time being. But I will certainly be back for more courses.

Wendy Banham 3 years ago

I liked this course as it took me through a process of thinking through what was possible step by step. I also enjoyed hearing the stories of other students who had success with translating what they've learned through AWC into a part-time or full-time writing career.

Previously I had some idea of what type of writing I'd like to focus on but had not really thought it through as thoroughly. This course was a great help. However, I still feel that I have a long way to go.

Probably, the main 'aha' moments were that I need to write what I enjoy and to believe in what I'm doing.

I would say that doing this course or any others with the Australian Writer' Centre is a gateway for anyone considering taking up writing as a serious hobby or even career. These courses offer writing knowledge and skills in a very practical and easily accessible way.

Lisa Thomas 3 years ago

I have been confident enough to put myself out there and to start making contacts. I attended my very first small business networking event and made some valuable connections

I only needed to step out into the world and start telling people that I am a copywriter to actually start my career.

Do it! Such great guidance, resources and mentoring.

Alice Williams 3 years ago

Lesley is a wonderful presenter - a pleasure to learn from. I enjoyed her teaching and doing the assignments.

I'm keen to experiment and see if I can produce something publishable. The main thing is that I really enjoyed it, which hopefully means my writing will be enjoyable to read.

Julie Paine 3 years ago

Tim is a legend. I loved it and all the info was extremely helpful. I enjoyed his quirky humour; caramel donuts; and farts.

It's helped me consider different ways of injecting humour into my work.

Angela Victor 3 years ago

I loved this course and just wanted it to keep going!

My tutor was amazing. Pamela is an incredibly knowledgeable and encouraging facilitator. She inspired our group every step of the way. We adored her!

The homework tasks inspired us to write, collaborate and engage in critical reflection to improve our skills. Pamela was a wonderful guide and teacher throughout the journey. Pamela helped me to believe in myself. How does it get any better than that?

I cannot thank Pamela and the fellow students in my group enough. I learnt so much and felt supported along the way. The camaraderie was wonderful and the knowledge I gained was invaluable. Thank you!!

The course inspires you to reach your writing goals in an incredibly supportive environment.

Michele Bennetts 3 years ago

It took away the apprehension I often have to start writing on a given day and made me write. It was gradual--something that built over the 30 days.

Just try it. It builds confidence that you can write. It’s just about doing it every day in some way.

Selma Kaasinen 3 years ago

I had been considering participating in this course for a long time but only now had the courage to test my skills in English creative writing. I was concerned if my skills in English language were sufficient to take part in a creative writing course.

Stephen was great. He provided feedback on different aspects of the writing after each module which I found really useful. I can put the lessons learnt to immediate action on my current manuscript.

I enjoyed the feedback from both the tutor and other course participants on my stories and reading other course participants’ stories.

I decided early on to use this course as a kick starter for my next manuscript.

I enjoy participating in courses, listening to podcasts and watching the webinars provided by the AWC. I listen to the podcast every week and the AWC graduates group in FB has become like a home base for whatever writing related information I am looking for.

Tracie Harvey 3 years ago

Bernadette was well versed in the subject and added life experiences which allowed participants to imagine situations which they may need to deal with.

I enjoyed writing the content, and having to meet word counts made me really think about how I was writing and to make it more succinct. I have been able to use the skills learnt to improve my writing in the workplace (and have received positive feedback from my boss on my writing).

It has made me hyper aware of the way "advertising" content is written - I look at every email now with new eyes and think about why it has caught my eye. Also, it has helped me to hone my report responses at work.

Do the course, it will change your life.

Lili Savi 3 years ago

The tutor was very knowledgeable, encouraging and efficient in his replies.

I enjoyed meeting the other students ... we are from everywhere and all so different. Also working at my own pace.

It's made me realise that I can write that novel if I really put in the effort. In my mind, a Uni degree was the only way forward, but I've realised that these short courses are so much more suited to my learning style and still deliver the goods. The courses may be short, but they have a huge amount of precise information that really get the creative juices flowing.

Tim Prideaux 3 years ago

Bernadette was fantastic: relatable, encouraging and deeply experienced. Her humility when offering assignment feedback - she would often pause and correct herself without making a big deal of it - was useful to witness. Rather than getting bogged in perfectionism, it felt like a demonstration of a productive mindset for doing quality work, getting paid and moving forward.

I enjoyed the consistently positive and encouraging tone. When you're nursing doubts about trying something new, the supportive voice makes a difference.

I'm confident I can make good on my goal to earn money by writing. That's a huge step towards my dream career switch.

The courses are focused, results-driven and delivered by lovely people.

Linda Swadling 3 years ago

A writing friend mentioned the course to me when it was first released and I purchased it straight away. I also purchased and completed a number of other AWC courses before I completed this one. As someone who found this course at the start of their writing journey, I was attracted to the course as I knew adding humour to my books was something I wanted to do and who better to be guide me in this than Tim Harris.

I loved how Tim was so open and honest about everything in the course. Made the course and material very relatable.

I have already used the techniques in a picture book I was working on and have submitted to an Australian publisher for consideration. Tim's feedback of my final assessment was the confidence boost I needed to just get in there and write my heart out. I can't even put into words how his critique of my assessment has made me feel about my writing.

If you are having fun, your readers will pick up on that. I think that's the major thing I have taken from this course.

I recommend AWC all the time. I am currently finishing my 9th of 10 courses through the AWC and I have taken something from each and every one of them. I know that my writing has improved dramatically in the last 12 months because of the information and feedback provided in the courses. If you are even just a little bit curious about exploring different avenues of writing, then give AWC a go.

Kate Armstrong 3 years ago

Alex was great. She gave very clear and helpful feedback that I could use to work on my skills.

I enjoyed hearing real-world stories from the industry. It really helped me to see that writing freelance is possible and that it’s something I can do.

The course gets you ready to start out freelancing, it's focused on the industry and provides concrete examples, case studies and best practice.

Michael Vallender 3 years ago

Loved Pamela, the fast pace and the practical exercises. Got me moving, convinced me I can be a full-time writer.

A great way to develop your writing to the next level.

Christina Barron 3 years ago

I have always wanted to do a creative writing course and a few of my friends have done courses previously at the Australian Writers' Centre. I wasn't sure how much I would get from this course because it was all online pre-recorded, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I actually learnt.

I found the feedback very helpful and easy to understand. I enjoyed using my imagination and becoming more confident in my writing.

It has helped get me started to write a little every day. Now here is hoping it becomes a habit!

The Australian Writers' Centre is great place to learn about writing.

Merelyn Carter 3 years ago

I came in with an open mind, so am delighted with what I have learnt in this short yet informative course.

The tutor was kind. Gentle. Knowledgeable. I really appreciated Stephen's comments.

Even though I was doing a lot of these things inherently in my writing, it was great to have the skills outlined, explained and expanded on. I have enjoyed writing just for the sake of it and like the 200 and 500 word challenges.

I am looking to pitch my fiction to a traditional publisher, so the advice around this has been very helpful. Although I write as part of my living, fiction is a new area, and I now have more confidence to pursue this path. Thanks.

The course is professionally and cleanly presented. It is informative, encouraging and fun. The assignments are challenging and it's great to get professional feedback. The additional exercises are appreciated, and even if there is no time to do them in the 5 weeks, it is terrific that we can revisit and review in the future. Great value for money.

Thank you. I have already purchased several more courses, and have a few more in mind to do after that.

Sue Thompson 3 years ago

I've done two Writing Workout courses and really enjoy the Zoom format. I've definitely seen improvement in my writing. It's brought back my joy of writing.

It's wonderful working with everyone's stories, and especially wonderful to be able to connect with remote writers during lockdown. Zoom has meant I get to be in Pamela's classes even though I'm in Melbourne.

I love being part of the Zoom classes. It's been great connecting with writers from around the country. We can cheer each other on, and have wonderful discussions that would not happen if we were mainly communicating via text.

Susan Windsor 3 years ago

I really enjoyed this course. Wish I'd taken the time to do it earlier. Will be happy to enrol in another.

The quizzes were great for testing my knowledge.

Hafsah Khan 3 years ago

Pamela was very helpful, knowledgeable and friendly. The environment was encouraging.

I'm working hard on completing my novel and thanks to this course I am out of the thinking stage and into the active writing stage.

As I worked on writing my own piece and providing feedback for my fellow course-mates, I realised that the important thing was to get the story down and that it doesn't have to be perfect. As long as the story is written I will have the opportunity to make it better as much as I want.

The Australian Writers' Centre provides a friendly and encouraging environment, especially to someone like me who lacked confidence in her work and was afraid of criticism. The experience is constructive, inspiring and overall fun.

Kristen Frankland 3 years ago

I want to change career and have always wanted to write. I want to reinvent myself and this course covered it all!

I really appreciate the range of writers that shared their story as I am still discovering the direction/s I want to take.

I enjoyed how positive it was and affirming that I can do this!

At this point, I have yet to take some of the actions, but I think if I really engage with the step-by-step process (baby steps - thank you), I think it could be profound. I am at the beginning.

We have one life, so why spend it doing things we don't enjoy? For me that means changing my life, facing the fear and stepping into the unknown.

It was practical, positive and really reasonably priced! For the small amount, you can be on the way to following your dreams to become a writer.


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