Sarah Hackett 4 years ago

Zanni answered people's online questions in a timely manner. The assessments were good and the fact that you could complete the modules at your own pace was helpful.

Although I don't think I am ready to devote time to sit down and write a children's book to be published yet, hopefully it will be something that I can come back to in the future. I think that completing this course has given me a basic understanding of how much more there is to know.

There is so much to writing children's books!

Fiona Mears 4 years ago

I wanted to learn how to write a picture book. Initially my only concerns were the cost and what I would actually get from the course. However, after thinking about why I'd looked into doing the course I decided it would be worth the money - I'd either absolutely love it and learn loads or it would be something to put down to experience. Either way I couldn't lose :)

I have absolutely loved this course. It was perfect timing as I've been on leave, taking some time to reflect on what it is I want in life. The modules and assignments haven't seemed like work as I've been so excited and enthusiastic to work on my writing.

As an educator it has given me a new passion to take back to school and a much greater respect for all those authors whose stories I've shared over the years.

Zanni was really supportive and I found her feedback to be very constructive and at all times encouraging. I also found it interesting to hear her opinions and the reasons for her liking particular stories, especially those I felt I would find more difficult to read to a class.

I most definitely enjoyed the opportunity to write for an audience and to receive feedback on that writing. I also loved learning how a picture book is written and the range of different things that need to be considered when writing one.

Being able to finally focus on getting my writing down rather than the ideas whizzing round in my head has suddenly opened a flood gate of creativity I didn't realise was hidden away.

The focus of my job is working with and supporting children at educational risk because of a huge variety of social factors. I have thought for a long time about how I could support them in a different way and have toyed with retraining in counselling as this is something I do a lot of anyway. However, I've never got beyond thinking 'oh I might look at counselling'. One thing that is very clear is that there is a shortage of stories that deal with some of the more unpleasant social issues faced by young children today and through this course I've realised that this is the 'different way' I can support them.

Since starting the course I have been filled with ideas and concepts for stories and my little writing book is getting fuller and fuller. I find myself thinking of an idea or a phrase and have to keep scribbling it down so I don't forget.

I need to think smart! I know I have some great ideas but I need to write my anger and frustrations out first and then take the best bits and work with them in a calmer, less confronting way. How I might do that is the next exciting challenge :)

Give it a go! You'll learn so much about how picture books are written. It’s an amazing 5 week journey and you'll surprise yourself with how creative you can actually be.

Thank you so much for this course it has genuinely been a fantastic 5 weeks :)

Karen Docking 4 years ago

After feedback on one of my stories, I felt like perhaps I could ACTUALLY do this! I was energised and ready to make it real. Since finishing the course I need to find that level of energy again, but to feel it for even one week was a big boost.

Erica Adamson 4 years ago

This course is professionally presented and wonderfully supportive and encouraging. You just know you are getting the industry gold. Each week it was fabulous fun to write, edit and rewrite, nail-biting to submit (was it ready?) and exciting to wait for professional feedback.

Hearing everyone's wonderful stories read aloud and the precise but always gentle, inspiring, encouraging and helpful feedback from our wonderful tutor Zanni Louise was a revelation. So many imaginative stories, so many styles, so much joy in hearing the stories read aloud, so much to learn from Zanni's feedback. It was like opening a beautiful box of sparkling gifts on Christmas Day.

It has been a joy to participate in this course. I have learnt so much and now feel confident to keep writing, knowing I am heading in the right direction. Thank you Zanni Louise. Fabulous. So supportive, always helpful and encouraging. You just know Zanni knows how to teach writing. I learnt an incredible amount. The feeling of being creative is incredible.

I have wanted to write for children for nearly a decade now. I did this course face to face many years ago and became very discouraged when my writing didn't seem to be hitting the mark. I put the pen down and didn't write anymore for years. Recently I picked up the pen and thought I will try again. I loved the online version of the course. I wasn't rushing to write like during a face to face class as I knew the lessons were there for me to go back to anytime. I just listened and absorbed the lessons, and then wrote.

I cannot thank Zanni enough for her encouraging and helpful comments to everyone. I now feel like I can write and enjoy it, and that I am heading in the right direction. I can't wait to enrol in your Writing Picture Books Masterclass and I hope one day to be published.

Thank you to everyone involved in this course. I think it might have changed my life and it has certainly made me feel confident to write again.

If you want to write, pick up a pen or grab a keyboard and enrol in a course at the Australian Writers' Centre. Thank you to everyone at the Australian Writers' Centre. I would love to do more courses and hope to be a published author one day. Fingers crossed.

Janine Slaven 4 years ago

Our tutor was very knowledgeable, compassionate and very helpful in the feedback she provided.

I enjoyed receiving detailed feedback so I can learn, and reading the stories submitted by others. I have the motivation to continue writing and to aim for publication.

The course delivers on the learning outcomes and offers very helpful feedback.

Joanna Donaldson 4 years ago

I loved that it was so specific to picture book writing in Australia.

Zanni was amazing!! Her ability to give positive and constructive 'off the cuff' feedback on our stories was incredible - she clearly knows picture books inside out!!

I enjoyed the focus of the assignments each week and having a deadline! And the quick turnaround of feedback from Zanni.

It has given me the tools and confidence to give writing picture books a red hot go!!

This is a fantastic course!! I love that it is so tailored to writing for children and that the focus is on the Australian industry and how it works locally, as well as thinking internationally. Zanni Louise is a brilliant tutor - experienced, honest, kind and helpful.

Thank you AWC! Very reluctant for it to end but thanks also for the ongoing opportunities to stay in touch.

Kelly Monardo 4 years ago

Very good approach to develop and build on skills each week to progress your story. Excellent tutor. Very good feedback and guidance.

I enjoyed receiving actionable feedback and being able to walk away with a complete draft at the end. It has given me the confidence to map out a path forward. A great hands on approach to improving your writing skills.

Wayne Murphy 4 years ago

I have always wanted to write a picture book based on tales my father told me as a child and was encouraged to use my spare time (due to being made redundant from my job) to take the course. I was hesitant about the cost, but I soon learned it was worthwhile!

Zanni was a great tutor and provided some wonderful feedback. As with all writing, some was harder to take - critiques of creative writing always seem personal! - but the feedback was delivered in a professional and constructive and always was aimed to improve the quality of my work. Some of her feedback brought tears to my eyes, but in a good way!

I enjoyed the encouragement from Zanni and the other students, which was encouraged and supported by the course framework and structure.

I learned that things will not be as easy as I'd hoped! But I am encouraged to continue with my creative pursuits, thanks to the information and encouragement provided.

If you feel you have a good book waiting to come forth, find a course at the AWC and make the dream reality!

Thanks to Zanni for her wonderful advice and support.

Amanda Bower 4 years ago

I have a lot of ideas for children's picture books and wanted to learn more about the industry and the 'rules'. I thought I'd come out of the course with a story idea ready to submit to a publisher, or at least ready to start thinking about that. But it's clear I've still got a lot of work to do!

Zanni was great. Her feedback was helpful. She clearly has a good understanding of the industry.

The idea that you have to convey so much in so few words actually means it's very difficult! New respect for picture book authors!

I will make more time to write as I found I really enjoy it. A great way to study and learn and write in your own time while still feeling like you have classmates. Thanks for the course!

Kate Mitchell 4 years ago

This course was really thorough. I didn't realise how much I didn't know and feel like I learnt so much.

Zanni was great! She knows what she's talking about and I really enjoyed her feedback via Loom. I also enjoyed reading other students’ stories and interacting with them online.

I already have recommended AWC to two other friends.

Stephanie Newton 4 years ago

I have never written before and the course gave a good guide to how to start the process of writing a Picture Book.

I would recommend the course as it was very informative and enjoyable.

Andrew Savreemootoo 4 years ago

I wanted to develop skills in writing for a younger market, with a view to publishing a work eventually. It seemed like a rare and unique opportunity to learn about a niche market.

The video sessions were fantastic. I valued having Zanni read out the stories in her lovely tone; it put me right back in the child's seat. It's a rare honour to have my fledgling stories read aloud by Zanni, with her warm and considered feedback.

Finding out that I could pen a children's story and have it not be half bad. It's a brief step into a vast new world. It opened a door and showed me a new way of wading into literature. I only wish perhaps it was longer, but with more practice I'm sure the impact will be profound.

Christian Lopez Pimienta 4 years ago

The quality of information, clear presentation and extent of topics was amazing! Zanni seems really passionate about picture books and her feedback was on point, honest and positive.

How much more respect I have for writers of great picture books; I knew it was special but it really is an art. Also it gave me confidence that even though I am far from publishing a book, it is possible and I can start now.

It is a very complete course, very serious and professional. Worth the money.

Just, thank you, it was a great experience, and to do it during lockdown it helped to keep the creative juices flowing.

Alex Newton 4 years ago

I've written several picture books but was keen to get practical advice on how to progress them and get them published.

I thought the course was excellent. It provided so many practical tips and resources and will allow me to take my writing to the next stage.

Zanni was very responsive, helpful and positive in her feedback. She is clearly a highly experienced writer and teacher and I was very grateful to learn from her.

This is a really high-quality course with an excellent teacher and course materials. I would highly recommend it to anyone!

Saskia van Graver 4 years ago

I was interested in learning more about how to construct a picture book. Zanni was very knowledgable. Learning how technical picture book writing is, more specifically how books require a theme. That picture books require themes, they aren't just stories.

It has made me want to write more.

If you think writing a picture book is easy, you need to take the AWC Picture Book course!

Gwen Matcham 4 years ago

Zanni was fantastic. She spent a lot of time looking at everyone's assignments and gave really great constructive feedback. The way she delivered the feedback via Zoom was great as it was like sitting down and talking about it, as opposed to just reading her response.

It has started me on my writing journey. A lot of the info in the course, such as tight writing and show don't tell, is not just relevant to picture books but other forms of writing as well.

The tutor is a published author and that the course is online so easy to complete when juggling work/kids.

I would say don't think about it, just do it.

Nicole Reyes 4 years ago

I've wanted to write and illustrate a children's book for a while, and this course was recommended by a friend.

It has made me think about how I can improve, and makes me think that the idea of actually writing a book is achievable.

Rosie Panetta 4 years ago

I have a lifelong dream to be a published author - which led me to your podcast series "Magic & Mayhem" - which led me to the course website. Given the year most of us are having, I did hesitate over the price of this particular course compared to others you offer - but I just went for it - and I'm really happy I have.

Zanni was lovely. Hearing her read our stories and provide positive feedback has fired up my passion for writing. She was also really good at providing meaningful feedback to questions and assignments. I really did enjoy having the chance to write, read and hear stories from others in the course.

It's encouraged me to write more. To write every half idea down just in case in turns into something bigger and better later. I also think hearing Zanni tell me she could see my manuscript published was more of a "YAY! maybe this isn't such a ridiculous dream" moment.

Thanks guys - can't wait to sign up to another one.

Amelia Lewis 4 years ago

I was searching for something to keep me occupied during COVID and maternity leave and have always been impressed with the humorous, accessible approach of AWC. The reviews for this course were fantastic. The value for money was amazing!

Zanni was warm, thoughtful and very detail oriented. She struck the perfect balance between encouragement and constructive criticism and nurtured some of my best writing into creation.

I loved the online classroom format and the respectful, encouraging interactions between all the students. It was very collegial.

I have never seen so many ideas through to completed manuscripts before - this course gave me the drive I needed to achieve this.

This course is the creative kickstart your decaying lockdown brain needs. The content is clear and comprehensive and the tutor offers encouraging, practical advice to help your writing shine. Seriously, why haven't you enrolled yet?

Thank you for creating this fabulous course.

Dianne Britton 4 years ago

I feel very sad that the course has come to an end. I will miss it very much but do feel inspired and empowered to continue writing now. Thankyou to Zanni, my co-learners and to Australian Writers' Centre for providing and nurturing such a rich and wonderful course.

From the moment I started writing for the first assignment I felt I had found my 'happy writing place.' Everything seemed to just fit together and feel right. That is not to say it is easy, I spent hours pondering, switching, changing and refining words. But it is a pleasurable pain!

I feel so fortunate and privileged to have Zanni as our tutor. She is experienced, passionate and knowledgable about writing which really showed through her comments. She always found positive aspects to discuss in everyone's writing but also wise, sometimes challenging, constructive advice about ways to improve. I loved how she took the time to read our stories aloud and then comment 'in person' through video. It was a highlight of the week, not just to hear our own stories, but also those of our colleagues.

If you have a burning passion for writing or just a little niggle that lives inside you, the AWC has a course to guide, enlighten and inspire you to bring it to life. There are so many courses, delivered in flexible ways that you can find one which meets your needs and fits within your lifestyle. You will learn so much from every course and one could even change your future.


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