Judith Betts 3 years ago

I wanted the flexibility of being able to do the course at any time and liked the idea of getting and giving feedback from other writers. I have really appreciated the detailed feedback I got from Bronwyn. She takes enormous time and effort to provide very helpful advice.

I had thought about enrolling in a writing course in the UK, but when I read poor reviews about the UK course, I opted for the Australian course, and I have not been disappointed.

The online format of the course suited me perfectly. I liked the recorded lectures and the class materials, which were excellent.

My online tutor was amazing. Her experience as a writer made her the ideal person to provide feedback. I also read the feedback she provided to other students and was delighted when we both observed similar things.

I feel that I have learned a great deal about writing. I have written as an academic before now, but this is my first time writing a novel. There is lots to learn and I am enjoying the process.

I also enjoy the connection with fellow students. I hope that we will keep in touch and continue to provide each other with support.

I have not written fiction or a novel before. Most of my reading and writing has been academic. Writing a novel is completely new and I feel that I have learned a great deal, but have lots to learn.

The course suited me perfectly. The hours were flexible; the course content was helpful; the tutor was wise, insightful and considerate; and colleagues were open and constructive in their feedback. It was also great value for money. I plan on taking the 6 months Write Your Novel course.

Simone Rosamond-Davis 3 years ago

This course was fantastic. I thought the structure was brilliant and every Monday morning the dog got a particularly long walk, while I listened to the lessons.

The tutor was brilliant. So helpful and motivating. I feel like everybody on the course learnt so much in such a short time. Between the first submission and the second, you could see the improvement in their work... particularly in 'showing not telling'.

I enjoyed the lessons and the personal feedback, especially from the tutor.

Due to the course, I set myself a deadline (before I was procrastinating and kept going back to edit). I learnt that I need to keep moving forward and now I'm writing from 5.30-6.30am each day and have to write 1000 words. I hope to have my first draft finished by November/December. Fingers crossed!

I'm a writer (was a journalist and now a teacher, specialising as an Instructional Leader in writing) but I learnt a lot and didn't realise how much I needed the motivation. It's a great course for a busy person.

Linh Truong 3 years ago

Bernadette was great and very helpful with her comments and assistance. She provided constructive feedback tailored to my writing and how to develop it further. I also listened to the feedback she gave the other writers and felt that it highlighted the key issues with their writing.

I enjoyed getting the feedback from a supportive group. It was also a great way to progress my story during lockdown. A constructive way to spend my time.

It has given me confidence to commit to and progress my story. I realised I was trying to do too much initially, and I had to stick to one POV for a while, at least for the first draft.

Thanks for the course!

Lindsay Duncan 4 years ago

After completing Creative Writing 1, I wanted to go further. (My tutor) suggested Novel Writing Essentials as the next logical step, and she was right.

Bernadette's feedback was empathic and constructive, and I particularly liked her Loom audio feedback. Hearing a voice via Loom made the tutoring personal and immediate.

I became convinced that critiquing other writers' work was a very powerful way of looking at my own writing more objectively.

It's a well-constructed course that offers a unique approach to learning to be a creative writer.

Ryan Tolliday 4 years ago

I enjoyed getting to know the other writers. I realised upon writing that I have become a better writer! This course has also made me realise what story to focus on, some very valuable insight for me; writing is my sole vocational interest.

An 'aha!' moment was realising how important it was to follow your strongest character, when it comes to deciding what story to write first. You can't just follow another story, and forget those characters—or any part of them.

Go for it. You will learn some valuable things and, regardless of the result, you would have some trajectory, as I have, with your ambition.

Samantha Valentine 4 years ago

I wanted to build upon my existing skills, although I was a little bit nervous about sharing my story for the first time.

The tutor was very knowledgeable and helpful. I enjoyed sharing stories with others, providing feedback and making some great friends.

I have made a really great friend and we are now reviewing each other's full manuscripts. And the course helped my writing improve immensely. I can do this!

Anne Farrell 4 years ago

I'd recently completed Creative Writing Stage 1 and wanted to continue the momentum. Getting my word count up to meet the entry requirements for Novel Writing Essentials was a good incentive, and I liked the idea of having writing targets to work towards during the course.

I enjoyed the pressure of showing my work to my classmates but I also feared it at the same time, if that makes sense! It made me try much harder to bring out my best writing. I enjoyed reading my classmates' stories too, and learning how to read and review as a writer.

Bronwyn is knowledgeable, kind and sensitive in how she provides feedback. She obviously put a lot of effort into critiquing our work, and I enjoyed reading what she wrote about my own writing as well as my classmate's. I've learned a lot from this.

Before doing courses at the AWC, I'd listened to or read dozens of books on the art of storytelling. I thought I knew quite a lot about how to approach writing a novel. But doing 'How to Write for Children and Young Adults', 'Creative Writing Stage 1' and 'Novel Writing Essentials' has shone a light on many gaps in my knowledge and skillset, and provided me with tools and insights to fix this. The encouragement and camaraderie of my classmates and teachers have been highlights too.

John Cham 4 years ago

I want to thank AWC for the wonderful opportunity they have given to me, moulding me into what I had been dreaming of.

Because of this course, I am now confident that I can put my writing in the right way. It was incredible!

It is the best place if you want to be a writer.

Jessica Gosen 4 years ago

I had completed Creative Writing Stage 1 and wanted to keep my momentum going and some of the other courses I was interested in didn't suit my schedule. I was a bit worried I wouldn't be able to keep up with the word count, but when I realised there were only 2 x 3000 word compulsory submissions, I felt relieved.

I found Angela quite direct but very personable as a tutor; you can tell she has a sense of humour. Her feedback is specific and it is encouraging to have someone of her expertise take your writing seriously; I felt she was invested in my work.

I actually loved reading my other classmates' work; so many great ideas in varying styles! It was also very helpful for me to practice receiving feedback; not take it personally or suddenly doubt my ability to write. I can really see the value in having a variety of people workshop your writing; there is so much you don't pick up on!

I still have a lot to learn, but, through AWC, I can see that it is a process and it just begins with writing! Just vomit out a first draft! Get down and write it!

AWC is definitely the place to go to if you are looking for the motivation, encouragement and confidence to begin writing. Just take the first step! Sign up for a course - you won't regret it - and it will open up a whole new world and supportive community!


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