What’s it like to learn with AWC?
Each year, thousands of students just like you achieve their writing goals through our courses and world-class presenters. Here they share how their new-found skills and confidence enriched their life.
I enjoyed the range of different novels and extracts for each module, as well as Kate's inspirational choices of accompanying artwork.
As I had allowed myself time to complete the course when I could fully focus, I found it became part of my reflective practice. I took time to consider my own writing and areas that needed work. I began writing down scenes inspired by my consideration of different aspects of the topics Kate covered. I took obstacles in my daily life and turned them into vignettes that I'm looking to include in the next re-write of my novel.
This was the best writing course I've ever done, and there have been dozens including a Masters in creative writing. Seriously! Kate packed in so much content in so relatable a manner that I am left dazzled and inspired.
I loved exploring genres and their tropes and tricks through examining excellent examples of brilliant writing. I was reassured by the fact that I'd already read all but one of her selected texts.
I have added dozens of notes/comments/follow up ideas and to-dos to my draft manuscript. As Kate said, it's in the rewriting that the magic is added. I've got so many inspirations to pursue - and many more hours at the keyboard ahead of me.
I gained real insight into the power of poetic devices, and a determination to return to my manuscript and deploy them assiduously in redrafting.
Don't hesitate to sign up for Kate's course!
An excellent course on the art and craft of writing at both the line level and the deeper level. Drew together threads I had intuited or was half-aware of in a more cohesive way.
I listened to the live presentation Kate gave on AWC a few months ago and wanted MORE!
I loved Kate's comments and exploration of the two books selected to illustrate each of the genres.
I enjoyed the 'permission' to take aspects of particular genres and bring them unapologetically into my own creative endeavours.
There are so many sub-genres, blending existing genres in exciting ways.
Do it! You'll love it. And don't forget to sit back and enjoy the art Kate has chosen to illustrate each genre.
Kate analysed very different texts that explored the genres, and her interpretation is excellent. I enjoyed Kate's gentle soul that comes through in her teaching.
My manuscript is a mix of genres, but I couldn't find something like it as a comp. I still wrote my story, and now I have more confidence in my ability to experiment.
I learned how to use rhyme, rhythm and repetition effectively.
Go for it; it is worth your time and money.
I was attracted to the diversity of the course - covering 5 genres in popular fiction. That breadth allows for incorporating those elements in different combinations, which made the course such good value for me.
I was dubious about one genre, Romance, as I don't read romantic fiction as a rule. But it was more engaging than I had expected, and I was able to apply the learning to fiction I have read and enjoyed, by Jane Austen, Mary Stewart, LM Alcott, etc.
I enjoyed the academic depth that was included, and which was woven seamlessly into each workshop. I could see the principles of adult learning at play, in how well-structured each workshop is, with relevant learning just when one needs it. For example, there were discussions of poetic devices, and the use of metre and rhythm. They made clear sense in the contexts in which they occurred, though I haven't thought about iambic pentameter in many decades!
I am reading with a more alert perception of the author's use of language and structure. I am more aware of developing a narrative arc for major characters, and of considering whether a character is dynamic or static.
AWC courses are interesting, focussed and good value for money if you choose carefully.
I enjoyed the readings (love your voice Valerie!!! - huge fan of the podcast) and the way Kate analysed them and showed by example the meaning behind her lessons.
I did the course primarily to make sure I was adhering to the basic structure and plot 'beats' for writing historical fiction and magic realism. There was so much information and Kate's professional tips that I know I can inject into my second novel so that it might make it across the line re publishing.
I would say there were several 'Aha!' moments in each and every one of the five modules. I can say, however, if this is helpful, that each of the modules (two of which were not at all genres I write in and, as such, I had wrongly presumed would not shed any light on my learning) gave me those moments of profound insight, revelation, and 'Ohhh - I get it' epiphanies which was incredibly gratifying and worthwhile.
Go on the website and look for yourself - there will DEFINITELY be something there of interest, yes, but also of incredible benefit for your own writing.
I found the information easy to understand and utilise for a variety of story ideas. This course is great for new writers (I found it extremely beneficial).
Highly recommend doing this course and any other AWC course.
I found Kate's course extremely informative and inspirational.
I loved it all. Kate's insight into the world of art and literature was most interesting and I relished the tips for writing that she shared.
I am inspired! I want to write now more than ever. I want to take all the knowledge Kate has imparted and put it to use.
I would say if you are interested in these genres and are looking for expert tips and knowledge then give it a go!
I enjoyed so many things! I loved the introduction to authors who I was not familiar with, I loved Kate's insights and examples, her passion for writers to push boundaries as well as respect the craft as it has developed over centuries. I loved the visual images accompanying the slides. I especially loved the inclusion of magic realism as the last module.
It has clarified the direction I want to go in my writing.
The AWC has many opportunities to learn, be inspired and be swept into the flow of writing.
I enjoyed Kate's presentation style and depth of knowledge.
I learned so much about different aspects of the writing craft, as well as about different genres of writing. This course has strengthened my writing skills in the areas of plotting, dialogue, characterisation, and the use of narrative devices.
If you are serious about wanting to become a writer, the AWC courses are your best option :)
I have learnt so much from this course and, as I am doing a PhD in Creative Writing Non-fiction at the moment, it has been so helpful to me.
I enjoyed Kate Forsyth's ability to bring the text to life by showing and explaining so many different ways of seeing, hearing and even feeling a text.
The Australian Writers' Centre course I attended, History, Mystery and Magic by Kate Forsyth, was an extremely well-researched and presented course. It was also affordable as I was able to use Afterpay. I am looking forward to attending more courses in the future.
I loved the selection of books across the different genres, and how the course offered both breadth and depth deconstructing these books in each area. It taught me so much and deepened my understanding of how literary devices are used in writing. I'm excited to start rewriting my own work, now equipped with the insights I've gained.
This course is truly a game-changer! I was so captivated by the content that I completed it in just one week. The material is both fascinating and incredibly informative. Now, I'm excited to dive into the challenge workbook and start applying what I've learned. I genuinely believe this course will transform my writing for the better—it's a must-do for anyone serious about improving their skills.
I love Kate's passion and expertise, and will definitely sign up for more of her courses.
Kate's lectures were very interesting and informative - I learnt a lot. And I really loved the time we spent going over extracts from published works and talking about the various techniques the authors used to achieve different effects.
Kate is clearly experienced and knows a lot about writing across a number of genres, and I really loved getting to learn from her.
Other than the lectures - which were excellent - I also really loved getting to take part in a writing course specifically about genre fiction! In the past writing courses I've done with AWC, most people were not writing genre fiction, and even fewer were writing fantasy - so it was really nice to feel like I wasn't the odd one out for a change.
Going through the extracts has inspired me to read some favourite passages from other novels more closely, and try to learn how the authors are working their magic. It was also just really motivating and inspirational to be in the course. Since finishing it, I've been working on my novel idea again, with more confidence about how I'm mixing genres. There was so much information in the course that I feel like I am still 'digesting' it all, and will be for some time to come yet.
The presenter Kate Forsyth was so knowledgeable, helpful, organised and insightful.
The course helped me look at my current work-in-progress with an eye to how to improve my writing, particularly with different literary devices.
It was wonderful having Pamela for the Q&A as well; she's always so generous and thoughtful with her answers to whatever questions are thrown her way.
Every course at the AWC is brilliant and there is a course for everyone!
This course profoundly changed the way I think and work as a writer for the better and made me feel I could finally complete my troublesome work in progress.
I think this course connected back to the others I had done and provided a complete picture for me. It was well constructed, easy to follow, well-paced, very interesting.
Kate's legendary lessons inspire and ignite! Knowledgeable in writing, she also shared her expertise with us in ways we could all understand, helping us to create our own toolbox of skills along the way. She understands the minds of novice writers and makes it an interesting and nurturing learning environment.
I feel immensely enriched by this course. Kate was amazing. Personable, clear, presented in depth tuition and analysis of texts.
I am already utilising Kate's guidance to deepen my current WIP, extend my research and enrich the overall tone of my writing.
Looked forward to every Monday night. Highly informative, constructive, relevant tuition in a comfortable online class. I will absolutely invest in another Kate Forsyth class. I was immensely enriched by Kate’s knowledge and writing wisdom.
Kate taught so much and so well. I will do more courses with her as I can dedicate the time. I enjoyed her explanation of literature, her ease of creating a safe place to learn and her love for her profession.
Kate is passionate, knowledgeable and enthusiastic. I absolutely loved each session.
I enjoyed the analysis/deconstruction of various texts that showed the underlying writing process, and how punctuation and word use create various aspects of a text.
I have run writing workshops for over twenty years and am also an avid writing course attender; Kate is excellent.