Ky Chow

Ky has over a decade of journalism experience as a reporter for Australia’s top news brands such as SBS, Sky News, the Australian Financial Review and the ABC. As a specialist in business and finance journalism, Ky can share how to write persuasively on business topics both simple and complex. Ky has also worked in marketing project management, compliance and product management roles at KPMG, CommSec and Macquarie Bank.

Together with his management and strategic planning experience at Fairfax Media, Ky can share his experience in how to write persuasively and clearly in a range of contexts. Whether it is writing to stakeholders who you need to sign off on your projects, filing reports on monthly digital traffic, writing recommendations for risk management or summarising complex financial products, Ky's unique combination of corporate and journalism writing expertise will help your team become better written communicators.

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