Congratulations on enrolling in Copywriting Essentials! You've taken the first step towards getting paid for your passion. While the main course covers how to write like a copywriter, this bonus content will show you how to start your own copywriting business and get your first client. 

Get ready to unlock your copywriting potential!

Starting something new is always hard. But have you found that once you get going, it gets easier?

Finding your first copywriting client is no different. Once you get that first job under your belt you’ll find it gets a whole lot easier.

In this tutorial, you’ll discover the top 10 ways to find your first copywriting client. The information below has also been supplied as a handout so you can refer back to it at any time. Click here to download the handout.  

  1. Believe you’re a copywriter.
    If you don’t believe you are, no one else will. Don’t fake it until you make it. Fake it until you become it.
  2. Tell everyone you’re a copywriter.
    Get your pitch sorted and try it out on anyone who asks, ‘What do you do?’
  3. Order your business cards.
    Let the card do the talking and hand it out to anyone who asks. It’s analogue, but it works. Don’t rely on them finding you on LinkedIn. They won’t.
  4. Make a list of people in your networks who may need copy.
    Once you get going, you’ll be surprised at how many people could need your service. Put it in a spreadsheet and keep adding to it. The list will grow.
  5. Send an email to everyone.
    Write a little note to everyone on the list telling them you are now a copywriter. Ask them for their business or ask them to refer you to their network.
  6. Write a piece of content to kickstart your portfolio.
    You don’t need to be published or paid to present yourself as a copywriter. Write a blog for your own business, or a friend, or rewrite a bad ad and make it better.
  7. Apply for copywriting jobs on Seek, Indeed, Rachel’s List and other job sites.
    You’ll be amazed at how many jobs are out there. Get your CV together, apply and see what happens. Apply even if you only have a fraction of the qualifications. Everyone else is. If you’re super keen, write a unique piece for them to show them what you can do.
  8. Attend networking events.
    Networking is not as bad as it sounds. I call it ‘talking to people’. Check out your local council website to see what business events they have coming up. Attend online so you don’t have to expend too much effort getting there. Check out Eventbrite and Try Booking for events you can attend. You can filter the events to find the right one for you.
  9. Write your own copy to promote yourself.
    Create a one-page flyer to send to interested parties, so that you have something to give those who say, ‘send me something’. Write your own website copy before you start writing content for others.
  10. Build your copywriting website.
    Keep it simple but get it started. The sooner you do, the quicker you’ll get work.

This content is also part of our Copy Club membership program. This membership is ideal for copywriters wanting to build their freelance business and develop their skills with a supportive coach by their side.

In Copy Club you receive:

  • exclusive tutorials, training and templates
  • access to a copywriting coach – on hand to answer any questions
  • a Facebook group for like-minded people and expand your professional network
  • fast-track your success as a standout copywriter.

Click here to find out more.