Writing fellowship program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander writers now open

If you are an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander writer, this fellowship is for you! 

black&write! grants two fellowships each year for unpublished manuscripts by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander writers.

black&write! is supported by the Arts Council of Australia, and are working with publishing partner, Hachette Australia. 

According to the State Library of Queensland website the two winners will each receive:

  • $10,000 prize money
  • manuscript development with black&write!
  • publication opportunity with Hachette Australia

There is no entry fee and it is open to both unpublished and previously published authors. 

Past winners of the black&write! prize include Lisa Fuller for Washpool, Tania Crampton-Larking for Brightest Wil, and many more.

According to the State Library of Queensland website, the types of manuscripts they will consider include: adult fiction, young adult fiction, short story collection, poetry collection and children’s book manuscripts.

Entries for the fellowship close Monday 1 February 2021.

To find out more and to enter, visit the State Library of Queensland website.

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