COMP CLOSED: It’s raining cats and dogs!

Cats and dogs may be like chalk and cheese, but they both make for great reading material. And this week, we have a four-legged treat for those who love them.

This week’s winner will receive these THREE books as their prize:

  • Incredible Dog Journeys by Laura Greaves – exactly as described, with stories of determined dogs from around the world travelling vast differences and overcoming unbelievable odds.
  • Zen Dogs by Alex Cearns – Award-winning animal photographer Alex Cearns celebrates the peace, calm and joy dogs bring to our lives with this unique full-colour collection.
  • Pounce! by Seth Casteel – kittens caught mid-leap. Say no more.

Great for yourself or as gifts for another animal lover in your life! Second prize will receive a copy of the Zen Dogs and Pounce! photo books. (Please take the time to appreciate Valerie’s dog Groucho, who posed for this week’s photo with minimal fuss!)

To be in to WIN, simply tell us the name of your cat or dog (past or present) and DESCRIBE THEM USING THREE WORDS. The two entries that we like the best will win the prizes. It’s that simple. You can enter just once – so make it count!



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