COMP CLOSED: Win A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms by George R.R. Martin

With the long-awaited return of Game of Thrones hitting screens this weekend, we thought we’d get into the spirit by giving away George R.R. Martin’s prequel, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms.

Released at the end of last year, it’s a collection of the first three official prequel novellas – set during a time when the Targaryens still held the Iron Throne and life was somewhat simpler in Westeros. As well as giving a glimpse into life in the days before Tyrion, Cersei and Jon Snow, the book also contains more than 160 gorgeous illustrations by Gary Gianni – a must for any fan.

To win a copy, simply invent the best Westeros knight character name to fit this format: Sir _________ of ____________ . (It doesn’t even need to be an actual place in the series – e.g. “Sir Cottage of Cheese”.) The most creative knight’s title will take the book home!


This competition has now closed – thanks for your entries! Winners will be announced in our weekly newsletter.

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