“We got published!” : Graduate success

We're like proud parents when we hear that our graduates have been published. Our hearts swell, we get a little teary and we want to sticky tape their feature article to our fridge door. But alas, we can't find a fridge large enough for all of the success stories we come across. So we will settle for a blog post instead. Check out the most recent accomplishments from our amazing AWC graduates.

Jennifer Johnston's time spent on her own home renovation project resulted in a winning Queensland Homes magazine article – “Renovating: the pitfalls & pleasures”.

Donna Webeck has had not one, but TWO articles published in Good Health magazine. She found zen with her story “5 ways to find calm” and delved into the art of “colorstrology” with her feature “Colour code: How colorstrology can work for you”.

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Lakshmi Singh was published in The Sydney Morning Herald and made the cover of Extra with her feature “Feeling overwhelmed does not have to be the new normal“.

Emma Heuston-Levak provided guidance to working parents with her article in Kidspot, “How to make part-time work perfect“.

Tania Connolly was published in the Autumn 2016 issue of Offspring with her story “Joshua's Journey“.

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Cathy Jubb explored the cathartic effect of shedding tears with her story “Cry it out” in Sunday Life.

Catherine Rodie also featured in the same edition of Sunday Life with “A missing guest” – a story of a woman coping with her mother's disappearance.

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Ashleigh Mills was published in SBS Life with her article “Who will look after you when you're old? Living a child free life“.

Gabe McGrath was stoked to be published in The Sydney Morning Herald and online with his article “Dads flex to success“.

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A big round of applause to these high achievers! Keep up the fabulous work.

If you have a success story to share with us, you can do so right here. We’ll share it with the world!

For more success stories, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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