Watch Tara Moss and Valerie Khoo in ‘Creative Conversations’

Tara Moss – author, journalist, documentary-maker and human rights activist – joined Australian Writers' Centre CEO, Valerie Khoo, in the ‘Creative Conversations’ Facebook Live event.

Tara explains her latest paranormal fiction novel The Cobra Queen, the fourth book in the Pandora English series following The Skeleton Key. Amidst paranormal fiction, crime fiction and non-fiction, Tara also enjoys writing historical fiction where she mixes facts with fictitious narrative. Tara discusses her research methods for creating an authentic character’s experience and well-developed world as she ‘tours where mortals can go’ to creating a new world for her readers. The research stories she shares with Valerie are marvellous – from roaming museums in New York until closing time to stories of firing a gun and being set on fire … need we need to say more?

Watch the replay for Tara’s stories, and ingenious techniques and candid tips for writing a magnificent novel.

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