Student Success: A publishing deal with Allen & Unwin and two first-time feature writers

Here’s a snippet of an email we received recently from Robyn Windshuttle of NSW:

“As a previous student at AWC, I thought I’d let you and your team know that my manuscript has been picked up by Allen & Unwin and my book, Dancing with A Cocaine Cowboy…a true story of love and life with a Colombian drug trafficker, is scheduled to be on the shelves in October. It's very exciting for me.”

Naturally we’re blown away to hear this incredible news! Robyn has completed many courses with the Centre, including Life Writing, Magazine and Newspaper Writing, How to Get Your Book Published and How to Create and Sell Your Ebook.

We’re so excited for you Robyn and can’t wait to see the book on the shelves in October. Congratulations, Robyn!

Watch this space for more news about Robyn's book when it's published.

Heidi Chik Wiseman, who's currently based in Hong Kong, did our online course in Magazine and Newspaper Writing early this year. Already she's had her first publishing success – her article on the revival of the harp in Hong Kong's schools was featured in the South China Morning Post. Congratulations, Heidi!

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Laura Scarlett from NSW also did our online course in Magazine and Newspaper Writing. She's also just had her first article published – in this month's Green Lifestyle Magazine. Not surprisingly, she's ‘super happy' about her success. Congratulations, Laura!

ss-Laura Scarlett

Don't forget to let us know about your published successes. If you've done a course at the Australian Writers' Centre and want to share your publishing news with us just email the details to [email protected].

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