Writing Podcast Episode 648: Kate Solly on ‘The Paradise Heights Craft Store Stitch-up’

Crafting a novel is one thing, but author Kate Solly loves crafting ‘crafty’ novels – including her latest title, The Paradise Heights Craft Store Stitch-up. Kate shares her journey from casual writing in her family group chats to getting her first publishing contract, as well as how she manages to stay accountable and fit writing in while bringing up six kids! 

You can listen to the episode below, on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or add the podcast RSS feed manually to your favourite podcast app.  

00:00 Introduction
05:37 Nat Newman’s writing tip: overcoming ‘the doldrums’
10:28 WIN! The Last Fashion House in Paris by Renee Ryan
12:52 Word of the week: ‘ravel’
14:11 Writer in residence: Kate Solly
15:34 Getting started in writing
17:11 How she kept accountable
20:04 Kate’s inspiration for her first book
22:30 Writing the next book
26:14 Pre-kids career and charity work
28:40 Getting the first novel published
34:29 The second novel: process and challenges
35:30 Balancing writing with family life
42:15 Editing and future plans
45:25 Building an author platform
47:42 Final thoughts

Links mentioned in this episode

Writer in residence: Kate Solly

Kate Solly writes funny, feel-good fiction with an eye for the profound within the domestic. Her latest novel, The Paradise Heights Craft Store Stitch-Up is a deliciously warm and witty cosy crime adventure with a young mum protagonist. Her first novel, Tuesday Evenings with the Copeton Craft Resistance, is a hilarious and heartwarming read about community, bigotry and the power of grassroots craftivism. Kate is married and has six children. When she’s not writing, she spends her days saying ‘put that stick down’ in a firm voice and divesting her kitchen table of its cemented weetbix glaze.

Follow Kate on Instagram.

Follow Affirm Press on Twitter and Instagram.


This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre and our course Creative Writing Stage 1.


Find out more about your host, Valerie Khoo (@valeriekhoo on Twitter and @valeriekhoo on Instagram).

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