Writing Podcast Episode 620: Kate Forsyth on 5 essential lessons to make you a better writer

In this special episode, we bring you an edited version of the recent webinar featuring bestselling author Kate Forsyth. The episode is jam-packed with insights, focusing on five essential lessons from different genres that can improve your writing. Kate Forsyth delves into historical fiction, crime and mystery, romance, fantasy, and magic realism, sharing her top tips for writing compelling and immersive narratives. Additionally, the episode features a Q&A session where Kate answers questions on writing routines, character development, publishing, and more. The episode offers practical advice and inspirational insights for aspiring and established writers.

You can listen to the episode below, on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or add the podcast RSS feed manually to your favourite podcast app.  

00:00 Introduction and welcome
00:16 Special episode announcement
01:04 Competition announcement
02:39 Word of the week
03:18 Webinar introduction
05:20 Kate Forsyth's writing journey
08:59 Lessons from historical fiction
11:30 Lessons from crime and mystery
14:44 Lessons from romance
16:46 Lessons from fantasy
19:28 Lessons from magic realism
24:30 Q&A session
31:37 Exploring new writing territories
32:15 Top magic realism books
32:39 Advice for unpublished authors
33:51 Creating memorable characters
34:41 Understanding Psyche's motif
35:13 Knowing when editing is done
35:52 Starting your writing journey
36:40 Musicality in writing
37:42 Balancing originality and familiarity
38:36 Imagining your protagonists
40:02 Publishing your first book
40:42 Inspiration from lyrical authors
41:31 Setting your novel apart
42:27 Establishing a writing routine
44:08 Crafting the perfect ending
46:13 Incorporating writing tips
48:26 Maintaining writing motivation
49:43 Finding time to read
50:27 Defining historical fiction
51:14 Choosing character names
51:59 Condensing your story
52:46 Crafting satisfying endings
53:41 Final thoughts

Links mentioned in this episode

Writer in residence: Kate Forsyth 

Dr Kate Forsyth is an award-winning author, poet, and storyteller. Her most recent books are Psykhe, a new telling of the classic myth, Kate Forsyth’s Long-Lost Fairy Tales, a collection of lost fairy tales from around the world, and The Crimson Thread, a reimagining of ‘The Minotaur in the Labyrinth’ myth, set in Crete during the Nazi invasion and occupation of World War II.

Kate’s other historical novels include The Blue Rose, set during the French Revolution and the first British embassy to Imperial China; Beauty in Thorns, a reimagining of ‘Sleeping Beauty’ told in the voices of four women of the Pre-Raphaelite circle of artists and poets; The Wild Girl, the story of the forbidden romance behind the Grimm brothers’ fairy tales which was named Most Memorable Love Story of 2013; and Bitter Greens, a retelling of ‘Rapunzel’ which won the 2015 American Library Association award for Best Historical Fiction.

Kate’s non-fiction books include Searching for Charlotte: The Fascinating Story of Australia’s First Children’s Author, co-written with her sister Belinda Murrell, with the assistance of the Nancy Keesing Fellowship. It was longlisted for the 2021 Readings Non-Fiction Prize. Her collection of essays, The Rebirth of Rapunzel: A Mythic Biography of the Maiden in the Tower, won the William Atheling Jr Award for Criticism in 2017. 

Kate has also written books for children, including the Long-Lost Fairy-Tales collection, illustrated by Lorena Carrington. The first in the series, Vasilisa the Wise & Other Tales of Brave Young Women, won a silver medal in the 2018 US Readers Favorite Book awards. Other titles in the series are The Buried Moon & Other Tales of Bright Young WomenSnow White, Rose Red & Other Tales of Kind Young Women; and The Gardener’s Son & the Golden Bird & Other Tales of Gentle Young Men.

Kate has a Doctorate of Creative Arts in fairy tale studies, and is also an accredited master storyteller with the Australian Guild of Storytellers. She has taught writing retreats in Australia, Fiji, Greece, and the United Kingdom. 

Follow Kate on Twitter and Instagram.

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This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre and our course History, Mystery and Magic.

Find out more about your host, Valerie Khoo (@valeriekhoo on Twitter and @valeriekhoo on Instagram).

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