Writing Podcast Episode 589: Natalie Murray on her contemporary romance novel, ‘Love, Just In’.

Meet author Natalie Murray on her journey to becoming a writer and her contemporary romance novel, Love, Just In. Natalie discusses how she's co-written novels, tips on how to work on characters and plot lines, and the benefits of doing courses at Australian Writers' Centre.

You can listen to the episode below, on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or add the podcast RSS feed manually to your favourite podcast app.  

00:00 Introduction and personal updates
00:42 Special edition of romance writing course
05:27 Nat Newman on Post crossing: A unique writing activity
10:53 Book giveaway: Class by Stephanie Land
13:18 Word of the week: Dissemble
14:01 Interview with Natalie Murray
19:11 The birth of a time travel romance
19:54 The challenges of writing a trilogy
20:13 The art of plotting a series
20:57 The Tudor era: A deep dive into research
21:33 The journey to film and television
21:48 The adventure of co-writing
22:49 The process of co-writing: Division and collaboration
25:11 The transition to indie publishing
25:56 The challenges and rewards of promotion
27:15 The birth of Love, Just In
28:20 The process of writing Love, Just In
28:20 The role of the Australian Writers' Centre
29:17 The art of plotting a novel
31:14 The writing process: Efficiency and deadlines
35:17 The future: Next novel and goals

Links mentioned in this episode

Writer in residence: Natalie Murray

Natalie Murray has been writing to make people smile ever since her short story A Dog Story With a Happy Ending won first prize in a writing competition when she was eight (she didn’t quite understand titles and spoilers then!). Now slightly *cough* older, Natalie is irreversibly committed to writing romance novels with all the tension, heart flutters, and ‘it hurts so good' angst. Natalie’s debut adult contemporary romance, Love, Just In, was published by one of Australia’s leading publishers, Allen & Unwin, in January 2024. She also co-writes contemporary romance with US author Jenny Hickman (writing as Jenny Fyfe).

Also a self-confessed Tudorphile, Natalie is the award-winning author of Emmie and the Tudor King series, which has received acclaim from Foreword Reviews, InD’Tale Magazine, YA Books Central, and popular author Brigid Kemmerer (A Curse So Dark and Lonely), among others. The complete trilogy is currently in development for a television adaptation by Ambience Entertainment.

Natalie grew up in Sydney, Australia, and is the daughter of cookbook author Eva Stovern (The Caravan Chef) and the late Australian football icon Les Murray. When she’s not writing books, you can find Natalie clinging to her family (literally; she’s super affectionate), packing or unpacking a suitcase, making lists of things she'll never have time for because she's too busy making lists, or playing on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

Follow Natalie on Instagram.

Follow Allen & Unwin on Twitter and Instagram.

This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre and our course Romance Writing.

Find out more about your host, Valerie Khoo (@valeriekhoo on Twitter and @valeriekhoo on Instagram).

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