Writing Podcast Episode 583: Vikki Conley on her success with 11 picture books

Meet author Vikki Conley. As an award-winning author with 11 internationally published picture books, Vikki shares her journey starting from her childhood experiences, writing career in marketing and journalism to her success as a writer. She discusses the themes and inspirations behind her books and also provides valuable advice for aspiring authors. The conversation also includes Vikki's take on the importance of writer's workshops, the role of an illustrator in a picture book and the process of publishing a book. Throughout the episode, Valerie shares writing tips, a word of the week, and details on the current competition.

You can listen to the episode below, on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or add the podcast RSS feed manually to your favourite podcast app.  

00:00 Introduction and New Year's reflections
02:08 Fiction essentials series: A deep dive into storytelling
04:13 Interview with Nat Newman: Writing tips and beer stories
06:30 Understanding underwriters and overwriters
10:15 Weekly competition: Australia's Most Infamous Criminals by Graham Seal
12:32 Word of the week: Conge
13:16 Interview with Vikki Conley: Journey to becoming a successful author
23:06 The process of writing a picture book
27:48 The magic of books
28:13 The writing process and balancing multiple roles
30:10 Visiting schools and engaging with students
32:31 Do authors need to do school visits to succeed?
33:53 Working with different illustrators and publishing houses
37:36 Family influence and inspiration for writing
41:20 The process of developing story ideas
49:24 Advice for aspiring writers
51:29 Fun facts and conclusion 

Links mentioned in this episode

Writer in residence: Vikki Conley

Vikki is an author, nature lover and intrepid adventurer. She has worked as a professional writer and marketer, with diverse communities across three continents, for over 20 years.
In search of extraordinary stories, she has climbed inside Icelandic glaciers, entered war-torn countries and interviewed African dignitaries in a paddock full of eeyoring donkeys!

In her spare time, Vikki does cartwheels with her two children and searches for platypus in the rivers near her home in Eltham, Australia.

Follow Vikki on Instagram.

This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre and our course Writing Picture Books.

Find out more about your host, Valerie Khoo (@valeriekhoo on Twitter and @valeriekhoo on Instagram).

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