Writing Podcast Episode 554: Tim Booth, author of ‘You Called An Ambulance for What?’

Tim Booth, author of You Called An Ambulance for What? Strange, Serious and Silly Stories of Life as a Paramedic. How to find writing partners and win Normal Rules Don't Apply by Kate Atkinson.

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Writer in residence: Tim Booth

Tim Booth is an intensive care paramedic who worked for six years in south-west Sydney, patching up the sickest, strangest, and silliest of patients who called 000 for all manner of trauma and triviality. Prior to his career in healthcare, Tim was a motoring journalist who worked for Top Gear Australia magazine. He continues to punish himself with the gruelling night shifts and long days that being a paramedic demands, and occasionally revisits his former life in the form of freelance journalism on the side. After surviving the worst that the COVID-19 pandemic threw at the ambulance service, Tim now works as a paramedic on the north coast of NSW.

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This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre and our course Creative Non-fiction.

Find out more about your host, Valerie Khoo (@valeriekhoo on Twitter and @valeriekhoo on Instagram).

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