Writing Podcast Episode 537: Andrew Daddo on his picture books ‘Grandma’s Guide to Happiness’ and ‘Poo Face’

Andrew Daddo has written 28 books for all ages including picture books, chapter books, young adult stories and adult books. The multi-skilled creative also juggles this with a career as a TV personality. He talks to us about his latest picture book Grandma's Guide to Happiness and his next one, Poo Face. And here's your chance to win Death of a Bookseller by Alice Slater. 

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Writer in residence: Andrew Daddo

Andrew's managed to have a crack at just about every aspect of the entertainment industry, probably more out of necessity than by design. He's appeared on TV – some good, some great and some entirely forgettable, presented radio programs, podcasts, appeared on stage and a long, long time ago, even made a few movies. Maybe best of all, Andrew's an accomplished author. 

Andrew has written 28 books of various sizes, weights and colours. Picture books, chapter books, short story collections, novels and a vague biography – he's hard to pin down. He also talks up literacy in schools across Australia. Highly acclaimed One Step is Andrew’s first venture into the YA market. Grandma's Guide to Happiness, his latest picture book is out now. What's next? Time will tell, but given the history, it could be anything.

Follow Andrew on Instagram.

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This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre and our course Writing Picture Books.

Find out more about your host, Valerie Khoo (@valeriekhoo on Twitter and @valeriekhoo on Instagram).

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