Writing Podcast Episode 520: Nikki Crutchley on her novel ‘In Her Blood’ and how self-publishing led to her agent and book deal.

Nikki Crutchley on her novel In Her Blood and how self-publishing led to her agent and book deal, old dictionaries, how John Steinbeck write his books and much more. And win copies of Blurb Your Enthusiasm by Louise Wilder.

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Writer in residence: Nikki Crutchley

Nikki Crutchley is the author of In Her Blood and To The Sea, both published by HarperCollins. Prior to this, she self-published three police procedurals set in NZ and credits self-publishing for getting her agent and subsequent book deal with HarperCollins. She was also a finalist in the Ngaio Marsh Awards for her first two books. She has been published in Flash Frontier, Mayhem Literary Journal, Flash Fiction Magazine and in Fresh Ink anthology (published by Cloud Ink Press). She was long-listed and regional winner at National Flash Fiction Day in 2016, and at the 2017 National Flash Fiction Day she had two stories short-listed and was regional winner.

Follow Nikki on Twitter and Instagram.

Follow HarperCollins Aus on Twitter and Instagram.

This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre and our course Write Your Novel.

Find out more about your host, Valerie Khoo (@valeriekhoo on Twitter and @valeriekhoo on Instagram).

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