Writing Podcast Episode 426 Meet Tim Ayliffe, author of ‘The Enemy Within’.

Meet Tim Ayliffe, author of The Enemy Within. Congrats to AWC presenter Lesley Gibbes on publishing her 10th picture book, Dinosaur Dads. Plus, we have 3 copies of The Wolf's Howl by A.L. Tait to give away.

Listen to the episode below. Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, or add the podcast RSS feed manually to your favourite podcast app.

Review shout out


If you are a seasoned writer or just starting out, their book gives lots of info on how you can go to the next level in your writing career. While the authors are Australian some of the info in the book is relative info that can be used for non-Australians. Read this book if you are looking for inspiration and motivation. If you are already inspired, then read this book so you can know what to do next in your career or how to re-organize your plan.

Links mentioned in this episode

Writer in residence: Tim Ayliffe

Photograph © Courtney King Photography

Tim Ayliffe has been a journalist for more than 20 years and is the Managing Editor of Television and Video for ABC News and the former Executive Producer of News Breakfast. He has travelled widely and before joining the ABC he worked in London for British Sky News.

A few years ago he turned his hand to writing global crime thrillers featuring former foreign correspondent John Bailey. He is the author of The Greater Good, State of Fear and The Enemy Within.

When he's not writing or chasing news stories Tim rides bikes and surfs. He lives in Sydney.

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This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre

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