COMP CLOSED: Win “The Rook” and “Stiletto” by Daniel O’Malley!

This week, we have two books by author Daniel O'Malley to give away. They follow the goings-on in the Supernatural Secret Service – told in The Rook (winner of the 2012 Aurealis Award for Best Science Fiction Novel) and its sequel, Stiletto – in a series known as the Checquy Files.

The Rook could be the best book you’ve never read. O’Malley’s stunning debut novel exploded onto the literary scene as it followed amnesiac Myfanwy Thomas running from danger, assisted by a most unlikely character – herself. Four years later, the sequel has arrived, and as before, Daniel O’Malley’s strength at writing female characters is sublime.

Now, these books deal with secrets. So we thought it fitting to simply ask you to TELL US A SECRET (don’t worry, we won’t tell).

Any kind will do – and the secret we like the best (told in fewer than 25 words) will win both books!

Entries close midday Monday 24 October 2016, Sydney/Melbourne time.


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