Children’s Book Council of Australia announces Book of the Year Notables 2020

It’s a celebration of children’s books this week as the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) announced their list of Notable Books for the 2020 CBCA Book of the Year Awards.

We’ll find out which books are selected for the shortlist later this year. But for now, we’re jumping for joy as several of the authors listed are wonderful members of the AWC community!

Our Writing Chapter Books for 6-9 year olds presenter, Lesley Gibbes is listed with her book Searching for Cicadas up for the Eve Pownall Award.

Young Adult author and AWC alumna Astrid Scholte has been recognised in the Older Readers category for her amazing debut novel, Four Dead Queens.

In the Younger Readers category, the talented Tamsin Janu has her book Winston and the Wondrous Wooba Gymnastics Club in the running.

Vikki Conley (who completed our Writing Picture Books course) is listed in the Early Childhood category for her gorgeous book, Little Puggle’s Song.

And AWC alumna Kate Simpson’s delightful Dear Grandpa has been given the nod for Picture Book of the Year!

A huge congrats to our clever AWC writers and all of the other wonderful authors listed. Best of luck!

You can check out the full list of Notables right here.

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