Day: July 9, 2024

Alumni/Student success stories
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Jane Sullivan discovers her inner crime writer at the Australian Writers’ Centre

Jane Sullivan was already a published author and journalist when she discovered the Australian Writers’ Centre. But when she wrote the manuscript for her crime novel, she realised she needed specialist skills in order to master the suspense and pacing of the genre. So she enrolled in Crime and Thriller Writing at the Australian Writers’ Centre and rewrote her manuscript with her new knowledge.

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Podcast: So You Want to be a Writer
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Writing Podcast Episode 611: Lia Hills, author of ‘The Desert Knows Her Name’, on how she wrote her first draft in two weeks using a voice software!

Meet award-winning poet, novelist, and translator Lia Hills. Lia reveals her innovative approach of narrating her novel, The Desert Knows Her Name, using voice recognition software while on location in the desert. She completed her first draft in TWO WEEKS! You’ll discover Lia’s methodology, challenges, and the profound connection between

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