2016 Davitt Awards shortlist for best crime books announced

We are so proud of AWC presenter and acclaimed author, Candice Fox, with her novel Fall shortlisted for the 2016 Davitt Awards. As presenter of our Anatomy of a Crime: How to Write About Murder course, it comes as no surprise that Candice's thrillers have captivated critics and readers alike.

We are also delighted for AWC graduate Fleur Ferris, who has been shortlisted in both the Debut and Young Adult category for her novel Risk. An incredible achievement – well done Fleur!

From the Sisters in Crime website:

Sisters in Crime has announced its shortlist for its 16th Davitt Awards for best crime books but, at 28 books, the list is rather long.

“The reason for such a long shortlist is simple,” says Jacqui Horwood, the Davitt Judges wrangler. “There are just so many outstanding debut books. The crime writing sorority is bursting with new and exciting authors with so many different takes on the genre.”

The 2016 shortlist.

Adult novels (6)

  • Anne Buist, Medea’s Curse: Natalie King, Forensic Psychiatrist
  • Candice Fox, Fall
  • Sulari Gentill, Give the Devil His Due
  • Bronwyn Parry, Storm Clouds
  • J. M. Peace, Time to Run
  • Emma Viskic, Resurrection Bay

Young Adult Novels (4)

  • Kathryn Barker, In the Skin of a Monster
  • Fleur Ferris, Risk
  • Ellie Marney, Every Move
  • Maureen McCarthy, Stay with Me

Children’s Novels (3)

  • Susan Green, Verity Sparks and the Scarlet Hand
  • Catherine Jinks, Theophilus Grey and the Demon Thief
  • R. A. Spratt, Friday Barnes 2: Under Suspicion

Non-Fiction (6)

  • Carol Baxter, Black Widow
  • Cheryl Critchley and Dr Helen McGrath, Why Did They Do It?
  • Kate Kyriacou, The Sting
  • Alecia Simmonds, Wild Man
  • Sue Smetherst, Behind Closed Doors
  • Sofija Stefanovic, You’re Just Too Good to Be True

Debut (9)

  • Kathryn Barker, In the Skin of a Monster
  • Anne Buist, Medea’s Curse: Natalie King, Forensic Psychiatrist
  • Tania Chandler, Please Don’t Leave Me Here
  • Caroline de Costa, Double Madness
  • Fleur Ferris, Risk
  • J. M. Green, Good Money
  • J. M. Peace, Time to Run
  • Ann Turner, The Lost Swimmer
  • Emma Viskic, Resurrection Bay

For more information on the Davitt Awards, check out the Sisters in Crime website.

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