WIN ‘2 Sisters Murder Investigations’ by Candice Fox and James Patterson

This week, we’re giving away three copies of ‘2 Sisters Murder Investigations' by Candice Fox and James Patterson. The Bird sisters are back in this fast-paced sequel to 2 Sisters Detective Agency. Rhonda, a rule-following attorney, and Baby, her rebellious teenage half-sister, take on a missing person case that turns them into suspects. As tensions rise, they must put aside their differences to uncover the truth before it’s too late. 

Candice Fox is also a presenter of the Australian Writers' Centre’s Anatomy of a Crime: How to Write About Murder course. You can read her story here and meet her on episodes 471, 398 and 48 of our podcast. Here’s the blurb:

The Bird sisters return to solve another mystery in the hotly anticipated sequel to the bestselling 2 Sisters Detective Agency.

Patterson’s greatest crime-solving team since the Women’s Murder Club is the Bird Sisters.

Rhonda and Barbara “Baby” Bird are half-sisters – and full partners in their Los Angeles detective agency. They agree on nothing.

Rhonda, a former attorney, takes a by-the-book approach to solving crimes, while teenage Baby relies on her street smarts.

But when they take a controversial case of a loner whose popular wife has gone missing, they’re accused of being PIs who can’t tell a client from a killer.

The Bird sisters share a late father, but not much else…except their willingness to fight.

Fight the system. Fight for the underdog. Fight for the truth. If they can stop fighting each other long enough to work together.

If you’d like to win a copy, simply enter your details in the form below. Three lucky people will win a copy!

Entries close midday (Syd/Melb time) Monday 24 March 2025. Winners will be notified within a week of the competition closing.


In case you win, let us know where to send your prize

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